學年 94
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2006-02-01
作品名稱 認同對決策嵌陷行為的影響:個體與群體層次的分析
作品名稱(其他語言) The Effects of Identity on Decision Entrapment Behavior: From Individual to Group Level
著者 林家五; 熊欣華; 黃國隆
單位 淡江大學經營決策學系
出版者 臺中市:中興大學企業管理系與財金系
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 臺灣管理學刊=Taiwan Academy of Management Journal 6(1),頁157-180
摘要 「決策行為」是組織行為領域中相當重要的議題之一,而決策行為的研究也從經濟理性的觀點,逐漸擴展到有限理性,以及自然主義的模式。在非理性決策的範疇中,決策嵌陷或所謂的承諾續擴現象在近30年來引起了許多的討論,認知與動機觀點雖然提供了可能的解釋,但仍有許多討論的空間。March的AIR模式強調「認同」機制對決策的影響,更是與近幾年來社會心理學中SIDE模式所討論的「自我認同」與「社會性認同」等概念有異曲同工之妙。本研究即從個體及團體兩個分析層次切入討論認同對決策嵌陷行為的影響,最後研究者並提出九項新命題。其中,前五項命題乃針對個體層次的「自我強度」,「認同角色」及「認同風格」等概念,闡明其對後續申辯需求與嵌陷行為的影響,後四項命題則針對團體層次,討論「團體認同強度」與「團體認同結構」對匿名性知覺及團體決策嵌陷行為的影響。 Decision behavior is one of the most important issues in organizational behavior. The research focuses also shifted from economic rationality to bounded rationality and naturalistic mode. In non-rational decision domain, the AIR model proposed by March had initiated some discussions. One of the critical concepts in the AIR model, Identity, has the equivalent meanings with "self-identity", "social-identity" held by SIDE model of the social psychology domain and organizational behavior domain. This study focuses on individual level and group level, to analysis the relationship between identity and decision entrapment. Finally, we had deduced nine new propositions about the influences of identity on decision entrapment. The first five propositions delineated the effects of the self-strength, identity role, and identity style on justification need and entrapment on individual level. The following four propositions therefore focus on group level, to explore influence of the strength and structures of group identification on de-individuation phenomenon and group decision entrapment.
關鍵字 自我認同;社會性認同;決策嵌陷行為;Self-identity;Social-identity;Entrapment decision;AIR;SIDE
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1680-8479
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/64841 )
