學年 89
學期 1
發表日期 2000-12-09
作品名稱 RC結構配置不規則剪力牆之非線性震力分析---考慮土壤結構互制效應
作品名稱(其他語言) Seismic Nonlinear Analysis of Asymmetric RC Buildings Considering Soil-Structure Interaction
著者 雷英暉; Lei, Y. H.; 洪英逸; Horng, I. Y.; 陳柏均; Chen, P. J.
作品所屬單位 淡江大學土木工程學系
會議名稱 八十九年度中華民國力學學會年會暨第二十四屆全國力學會議=24th National Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics
會議地點 桃園縣, 臺灣
摘要 許多多層鋼筋混凝土房屋常於其底樓採用不規則的剪力牆配置,此舉不但造成整體結構系統質量中心與勁度中心的偏離,抑且造成構造底樓之勁度明顯異於其上方樓層者,因此本文擬以臺灣集集大地震為輸入震力,並針對剪力牆配置方式對多層鋼筋混凝土房屋受震行為之影響,從事縝密之分析,期能確實掌握該類結構在不同方向地震作用下之破壞成因與型式。又由於結構週邊之土壤性質將明顯影響整體結構勁度中心之位置,是以本文擬採用有效之土壤結構互制模式,來涵括此一效應,俾能求得更真實之受震反應。研究結果顯示,當地震輸入方向與結構之偏心方向垂直時,不但將導致柱構件扭矩之加鉅,且亦同時將導致柱彎矩與剪力之增加。 The improper design of shear walls is one of the major factors inducesthe collapse of reinforced concrete structures subjected to strongearthquakes. Owing to the commercial consideration, the irregularlayout of shear walls is used frequently in the first floor for someof the multistory reinforced concrete buildings. This would, however,not only make these buildings become the so-called asymmetricstructures due to the noncoincidence of mass and stiffness centers butalso make them become the so-called soft first story buildings due tothe significant weakness in stiffness of the compared to the stiffnessfor the stories higher than it. In this research, the investigationwill be performed detailedly, by taking Ji-Ji earthquake in Taiwan asthe assumed ground motion, with respect to the influences of shearwall layout upon seismic behaviors of multistory R.C. buildings. It isexpected that the causes and patterns of failure for various types ofstructures under investigation can thus be fully recognized. Besides,plenty of useful knowledge about structure design for earthquakeprotection can then be drawn in this study. It is shown in the resultsthat not only torsional forces but also flexural and shear forceswould increase in column members as the external seismic force isperpendicular to the eccentricity direction of the structure.
關鍵字 地震分析;非對稱性;剪力牆;土壤結構互制;Seismic Analysis;Asymmetry;Shear Wall;Soil-Structure Interaction
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20001209~20001210
國別 TWN
出處 八十九年度中華民國力學學會年會暨第二十四屆全國力學會議論文集=24th National Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, 頁N.A.(CD)

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