學年 91
學期 2
發表日期 2003-04-24
作品名稱 攜帶式測驗系統之發展研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study of Portable On-Line Test Systems
著者 林敏慧 ; 陳慶帆 ; 謝崇琪 ; 張佑瑋 ; 廖崇閔 ; 蔡景堯 ; 吳允中
作品所屬單位 淡江大學教育科技學系
出版者 臺北市:臺灣師範大學
會議名稱 第11屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會ICCAI 2003暨第16屆中華民國電腦輔助教學研討會=2003 International Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 測驗是評量學習成果和衡量知識能力的一套有效方法,隨著資訊科技的進步與提升,和網際網路的盛行,再加上個人電腦的普及化,將資訊科技運用在測驗上已成為目前教育發展的重要趨勢。因此許多教師運用其方便性,多樣化等優點來取代傳統考試,然而一般線上測驗系統仍存有一些困擾,如對外與主機連線困難容易延遲、學生在外尋人代考等因素,而影響了考試的公平性,令不少老師對線上測驗心存抗拒之心理而難以實行,故我們便試著提出更具彈性的線上測驗環境,藉由一片可安裝Web Server考試主機的光碟片和存有考試或教材資料的隨身碟,由老師隨身攜帶,安裝於電腦教室的某一台電腦上,並在一個較封閉的區域網路中執行上機考試,可方便學生與考試主機連線,亦由於學生在同一區域網路中,亦可有效的維持考場秩序,而平時老師的隨身碟亦可透過網路與主機連線更新,執行編輯教材或試題。 Test should not be the termination of learn, it should be the start of next instructive activity. Using the information technology to evaluation, associating WWW with the theory of instruction and evaluation is the important trend to develop our education. In view of fair competition, there still exist some troubles when we take term examinations through on-line test system. For example, students cheat or pass oneself off to take an examination for person easily; the traffic jammed of network, then expressions of students will be abnormal; the management of on-line test system, web server or database server is an extra load for information-unprofessional teachers. To resolve the problems of on-line test, we design the more dynamic architecture to construct the environment of portable on-line test system, we store the software of web server, database engine and test system on CD-ROM, the database used by current test is stored in flash memory. The web server and database server are both the software of open source. Teachers carry the CD-ROM and flash memory anywhere, they can easily install the test system on any computer, perform tasks, and construct the test server on one computer of a classroom, then students start on-line testing through the LAN in the classroom. Then the fair competition and the dynamic property of on-line test can be achieved easily.
關鍵字 線上測驗系統;區域網路;內部網路;網站伺服器;On-Line Test System;Local Area Network;Intranet;Web Server
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20030424~20030426
國別 TWN
出處 第11屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會ICCAI2003暨第16屆中華民國電腦輔助教學研討會論文集=Proceedings 2003 Internaitonal Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction,6頁

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/85664 )
