競爭法對流通業經營行為規範之研究---以附加費用收取行為為中心 | |
學年 | 89 |
學期 | 1 |
發表日期 | 2000-10-30 |
作品名稱 | 競爭法對流通業經營行為規範之研究---以附加費用收取行為為中心 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | |
著者 | 黃營杉; 黃銘傑; 吳師豪 |
作品所屬單位 | 淡江大學日本研究所 |
出版者 | 臺北市:行政院公平交易委員會 |
會議名稱 | 第七屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會 |
會議地點 | 臺北市, 臺灣 |
摘要 | 在整體商品產銷過程中,連結著上游生產製造與下游消費的流通業界,扮演著特殊且重要的地位。近年來更由於經濟情勢及資訊科技的發展,使得流通業界興起一股革命,居其領導地位者厥為大型流通業者的崛起。基本上,大型流通業界在提昇流通效率、促進消費便利等事上,有其不可抹滅之功,且正因為其所具有此種經濟效率或福利上的意義,其發展更見迅速,現今大型流通業者儼然已成為流通業界之主流。與此同時,與過去小規模的流通業者相較,此等大型流通業者由於具有雄厚的資金與眾多的銷售管道及據點,使得其在與製造商等供貨業者、尤其是中小型的供貨業者之關係上,明顯地居於買方之優勢。實務上,我們亦經常可聽見供貨廠商抱怨,大型流通業者在正常的契約規定之金額,另外巧立各種名目,收取額外費用;對此,大型流通業者則反駁以,該等費用乃用於市場規範之拓展及各種促銷活動之推廣,增進供貨廠商商品之銷售量,其利益實回流至各供貨廠商,故其費用應由供貨廠商支付。在此種公婆似乎皆有理的情況下,我們實有必要居於競爭法之觀點,分析大型流通業者此種收取附加費用之行為,是否符合公平法相關規範,設若此種行為有違反公平法規範之精神,則公平法應以何種方式加以規範,始符合現行流通業界發展的需求。 在上述問題思考下,本計畫從法律及經營學之觀點,探討我國對大型流通業者不當的交易行為、尤其是對供貨業者收取不當附加費用之行為應有的規範方式。經過詳細探討公平法基本規範理念及美、日、歐等國競爭法有關大型流通業之規範內容,並以問卷調查、實地訪查等方式,分析我國流通業有關附加費用收取行為之實務作法後,本研究發現,我國流通業界中盛行的附加費用收取行為,極有可能對市場競爭及消費者利益,造成不當的侵害,而有必要由公平會介入予以適當的管制。本研究以為,公平會應以制定附加費用收取行為指導方針及協助流通業者與供貨廠商進行協商等程序規範及自律規範為規範之主要核心,如此不僅可以減輕不必要的行政管制成本,亦可由業者自行研擬出最有效率的附加費用收取方式及內容。 Distribution business, which channels upstream products and downstreamconsumers, has played an important and special role in the wholemarketing system. Recent years has witnessed a revolution in thedistribution business. Thanks to the evolution of economy andinformation technology, big distributors burgeon and prosper.Nowadays, big distributors are perhaps the most important players inthe distribution business. Voluminous stocks and abundant sales pointshave made the big distributors more effective than those old-typesmall-and-medium distributors. The result is that big distributorsstand on a superior position in the bargaining game with theirsuppliers. In the practice, many suppliers, especiallysmall-and-medium ones, complain that big distributors tend to exerttheir superior positions and charge them additional fees besidesnormal contract fees. Big distributors refute these statements asundue and claim that those additional charges were used to increasesales points and promoting activities, thus benefited the suppliers.Faced with this confusion, we need to understand the implications ofthe additional charges from the perspectives of competition law. Ifnecessary, we also have to impose some regulations on the bigdistributors,preventing them from unduly exert their buying power.Based on the ideas stated above, this research makes clear the ideasof competition laws, investigates the regulations concerning bigdistributors imposed in other countries such as U.S., Japan and EU,conducts field research to understand the additional chargescollecting behaviors in Taiwan's distribution business. As a result,we found that the additional charges collecting behaviors in Taiwan'sdistribution business put undue burdens on consumers' welfare as wellas competition. The research, therefore, suggests that FTC shouldregulate such undue behaviors and the best strategies for thisregulation would be a mixture of procedural regulation andself-regulation. This kind of regulation not only reduces the costnecessary, but will also strike a best balance between thedistributors and their supplies. |
關鍵字 | 競爭法;流通業;公平交易法;Competition Law;Distribution Industry;Fair Trade Law |
語言 | zh_TW |
收錄於 | |
會議性質 | 國內 |
校內研討會地點 | |
研討會時間 | 20001030~20001031 |
通訊作者 | 黃營杉 |
國別 | TWN |
公開徵稿 | |
出版型式 | |
出處 | 第七屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會論文集,頁187-225 |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/85183 ) |