學年 99
學期 1
發表日期 2010-11-30
作品名稱 結合矯正措施之研究
著者 陳志民; 陳和全
作品所屬單位 淡江大學公共行政學系; 淡江大學產業經濟學系
出版者 臺北市:行政院公平交易委員會
會議名稱 第18屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 本文就競爭主管機關於審查結合案時,若擬以附加矯正措施作為許可結合 案之負擔時,從法律與經濟的觀點,探討其類型選擇與法制設計與實施之相關 問題。從比較法角度,本文首先介紹美國及歐盟之法制,重點置於二國所制 定關於矯正措施之「政策指引」及「通知」的具體內容,另配合代表性案例, 以例示規定於個案中適用之情況。另外,也將就國際競爭法組織OECD競爭委 員會以及ICN在此一問題上的努力成果,較具代表性的組織會員國國內法規定 等,一併於文中歸納分析。本文第二部分,則從整理歸納我國過去之案例開 始,探討其中所涉及之實務及理論議題,再從經濟學理的角度,檢討現行所普 遍為各國採行的「結構面」與「行為面」二分法矯正措施類型,各有何利弊,並據初步研究心得,於文末,就本文研究發現對公平會未來執法可資參考之處,提出初步之建議。This paper discusses the issues relating to the implementation of merger remedies system into the Fair Trade Law of Taiwan. From the perspective of law and economics, we offer a theoretical analysis on the choice of the proper types of remedies in merger review process. In addition to the costs and benefits associated with "structural" and "behavioral" remedies individually, we will also introduce the enforcement experience from the United States and the European Union, and the policy suggestions made by international organizations such as OECD Competition Committee and International Competition Network (lCN). We highlight the practical problems facing the TFTC if it decides to follow the current international remedial models and provide our thoughts on how those problems could be improved by the amendments of related laws and policies. This paper discusses the issues relating to the implementation of merger remedies system into the Fair Trade Law of Taiwan. From the perspective of law and economics, we offer a theoretical analysis on the choice of the proper types of remedies in merger review process. In addition to the costs and benefits associated with "structural" and "behavioral" remedies individually, we will also introduce the enforcement experience from the United States and the European Union, and the policy suggestions made by international organizations such as OECD Competition Committee and International Competition Network (lCN). We highlight the practical problems facing the TFTC if it decides to follow the current international remedial models and provide our thoughts on how those problems could be improved by the amendments of related laws and policies.
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20101130~20101130
通訊作者 陳志民
國別 TWN
出處 第18屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會論文集,頁179-238

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/85177 )
