學年 98
學期 2
發表日期 2010-05-21
作品名稱 弱勢家長的子女參與教育
作品名稱(其他語言) Disadvantaged Parents' Involvement in Their Children's School Education
著者 宋玫玫 ; 吳姿瑩
作品所屬單位 淡江大學未來學研究所
出版者 臺北縣:淡江大學師資培育中心
會議名稱 亞洲地區弱勢學生教育教師專業/課程與教學國際學術研討會=International conference on Asian experiences of education for the disadvantaged students : teacher education and professionalism
會議地點 臺北縣, 臺灣
摘要 如何提升弱勢學童之學業表現一直是學校教師、教育決策者、及弱勢關懷者 所關心之議題。各國之研究皆顯示來自社經地位弱勢、文化弱勢之家庭的學童, 其學業成就較一般學童不理想。同時,在各種提升學童學業成就的方法中,增進 家長對子女的教育參與亦被許多學者認為是有效的策略之一。然而,多數的研究 又顯示,弱勢家長對學童的教育參與較一般家長為低。 因此,本文藉由與弱勢家 長的深度會談,深入瞭解弱勢家長參與學童教育活動之動機及實際情形,對於參 與學童教育之態度,以及其所遭遇之困難,以提供給學校教師、學校領導人員、 教育決策機構、及學術界做為參考,期能為台灣弱勢學童在校學習有實際之助益。 研究結果發現,參與研究之弱勢家長對於學童教育活動最為關心的是完成作 業的部分,家長普遍表示困擾之處皆為學童做功課時容易分心,而且動作慢。監 督作業之工作皆落在父母親固定一方的身上。然而,由於身兼全職或兼職工作, 因此其實無法有效督促學童。獨立書房的效果不彰。家長多半已接受電視成為孩 童生活之重心的看法,並視關閉電視以幫助學童專心完成作業為不可能的選項。 家長對於孩子玩,電玩,或電腦遊戲的時間掌控亦顯薄弱,缺乏有效的控管與監督。 弱勢家長對於監控孩子功課的方法,多半屬於「盯哨」性質,並且相信孩子沒有 能力自動完成作業。受訪家長與孩童問多半缺乏積極談論學校事務的文化;對於 孩童課業成績的要求亦僅限於消極性的威脅或懲罰。值得一提的是,家長對於改 變現狀的建議雖然多半立即表示感到無力,但是會談結束返家後卻仍願意以自己 的方式進行嘗試。 Research from various countries has shown that the academic performances of disadvantaged children are lower than that of the norm. At the same time, increasing parental involvement in their children's education has been viewed as one of the effective strategies to better children's school performance. On the other hand, most research has also indicated that the involvement of disadvantaged parents in education is also lower than the norm. As a consequence, through multiple focus group interviews with four disadvantaged parents, this paper seeks to understand their attitude toward and the status quo of the involvement in their children's educational activities. This paper concludes the following findings. The participants are most troubled by the level of distraction and the tardiness demonstrated in the process of their children's homework completion. The task of supervising children's homework usually concentrates on one parent, leaving the parent feeling overburdened and powerless. Secluded study area does not function properly in these families. The parents accept the view that television is an essential part of their child's life. The parents also lack effective controls over their child's game-playing time. It is the general belief of the parents that their 3rd-grade child is not capable of completing homework on his or her own. Their methods of supervising homework completion are mostly limited to physical "surveillance." Their aspiration for their child's test scores is mostly demonstrated through threats or punishment. On the other hand, though the parents involved in this study all expressed negative attitude toward initiatives to change the status quo, when proposed by the researcher, they actually did try to carry out the suggested strategies after meetings.
關鍵字 弱勢家庭;弱勢學童;家長參與;教育參與;學業成就;Disadvantaged families;Disadvantaged children;Parental involvement;Educational involvement;Academic performance
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國際
校內研討會地點 淡水校園
研討會時間 20100521~20100521
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出處 亞洲地區弱勢學生教育教師專業/課程與教學國際學術研討會論文集,頁37-38

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/85004 )
