The Relations between Memories of Favor Doings and Social Exchange as well as Social Cognition
學年 96
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2007-12-01
作品名稱 The Relations between Memories of Favor Doings and Social Exchange as well as Social Cognition
作品名稱(其他語言) 請託記憶與社會交換和社會認知的關係
著者 韓貴香; Han, Kuei-hsiang
單位 淡江大學通識與核心課程中心
出版者 臺北縣:淡江大學
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 淡江人文社會學刊=Tamkang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 32,頁75-90
摘要 This study used a modified TST method to examine participants' spontaneous memories of performing and receiving favors. Results of this study showed that the number of trivial favors recalled by participants as other-asked-me-to-help was not significantly different from I-asked-other-to-help, as theories of social exchange predict. However, participants retrieved significantly more episodes of other-asked-me-to-help than I-asked-other-to-help when the favor was nontrivial, which theories of social cognition (self-serving bias) might better explain. Overall, an interesting picture emerged in which the I-asked-other-to-help favors participants recalled were mostly trivial, whereas most other-asked-me-for-help favors required efforts. 本研究採修正過的TST測量方法,檢驗問卷填答者對人情事件的記憶和兩種可以解釋此現象的理論--社會交換和社會認知(自利偏誤)之間的關係。研究結果顯示,填答者所回憶的別人請我幫忙和我請別人幫忙的瑣事次數沒有顯著差異,此吻合社會交換理論的預測。不過對於要耗費較多時間心力的事件,相較於我請別人幫忙的情況,填答者則明顯回憶較多別人請我幫忙的事件,此較吻合社會認知人有自利偏誤的觀點。整體而言,本研究所獲得的結果似乎意涵著,我們所記得曾經麻煩過他人的較多為舉手之勞的小事,反之,別人曾麻煩過自己的則較多為要耗費時間心力的大事。
關鍵字 自利偏誤; 自我概念; 記憶; 請託; Favor doing; Memory; Self concept; Self-serving bias
語言 en
ISSN 1029-8312
期刊性質 國際
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

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