學年 86
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 1997-09-01
作品名稱 考慮多重飛行狀態之直昇機旋翼葉片最佳化設計
作品名稱(其他語言) Helicopter Rotor Blade Optimum Design for Multiple Flight Conditions
著者 張永康; Chang, Yeong-kang; 王怡仁; Wang, Yi-ren; 洪健君; Hung, C. C.
單位 淡江大學航空太空工程學系
出版者 臺南市:中國航空太空學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 中國航空太空學會學刊=Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China 29(3),頁227-237
摘要 本研究係利用最佳準則法在考慮非穩態空氣動力環境下,以期設計出直昇機旋翼葉片最佳的弦長分佈值。此法必須滿足庫恩塔克必要條件,並能在固定的推力限制下獲得最低輸出功率。有鑑於以往葉片的設計甚少考慮尾流振動的影響,本研究結合了旋翼的空氣動力及尾流動力之耦合系統,並選用Peters的尾流動力理論作爲非穩態空氣動力環境的模擬,且利用葉片元素理論及升力線理論推導出升力函數。本研究係考慮多重飛行狀態的葉片最佳化設計,因此將面臨多重約束限制的問題,也使最佳化的過程更爲複雜。因爲弦長是計算推力及輸出功率的主要因素,所以弦長將是主要的設計參數。在範例中將考量直昇機在多重飛行狀態時,主旋翼葉片之最佳化設計及性能分析。各種飛行狀態將會個別地或同時地考量以證明本研究所發展之最佳化程式的優越性,相信本研究之結果能對直昇機旋翼葉片的設計提供重要的依據。 This study presents an application of optimality criteria method for a helicopter rotor blade design through an unsteady aerodynamic consideration. The method used in blade optimization is the concept of Khun-Tucker necessary condition, which to minimize the power output and also maintain the lift force with the optimum configuration of the blade. The unsteady aerodynamic environment used for the blade design contains the coupling of wake dynamics and aerodynamics. The Peters' finite state inflow theory is chosen for a wake modeling. The blade element theory and lifting-line theory are used to formulate the aerodynamic force (lift) for a blade. The multiple flight conditions, which concluding hover and forward flight, will be considered in this study. The chord length will be implemented as design variables to calculate the thrust and power output The best configuration design of the rotor blade can be obtained when the design variables are solved. In order to demonstrate the capabilities and advantages of the program, the different flight conditions problem will be solved separately and simultaneously. The optimum design and performance analysis of helicopter rotor blade will be discussed in the numerical examples, which provide the important information of helicopter rotor blade design.
關鍵字 旋翼力學; 尾流動力學; 最佳化設計Rotary wing dynamics ; Wake dynamics ; Optimum design
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1022-0666
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/18440 )
