學年 100
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2012-03-15
作品名稱 現金保險之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A study of money insurance
著者 廖述源; 曾國揚
單位 淡江大學保險學系
出版者 台北市:中華民國產物保險核保學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 中華民國產物保險核保學報 20,頁105-136
摘要 犯罪風險,係指企業因員工或第三人之犯罪行為所致之損失,為避免企業因犯罪風險侵蝕經營基礎,遂出現犯罪保險協助移轉該風險。現金保險即為犯罪保險之一環,主要承保被保險人因犯罪行為所致之現金損失。 我國現金保險歷經三階段之演變,分別是1966年開辦現款運送保險、1980年整合並擴大承保範圍及1986年大幅修訂承保辦法與條款。整體而言,現金保險已漸趨完備,惟當中仍有部份不合理之處。 另外,現金保險於國外早已行之有年,無論在承保範圍、附加條款、彈性投保、損失經驗資料庫及費率釐訂方面已十分成熟,足以做為我國發展現金保險之借鏡。 本研究逐條析論現行現金保險條款,針對不合理之部份,提出具體建議;並探討國外相關險種,希冀汲取長處,使我國現金保險更加完善並符合被保險人之實際需求。 In business operations, the crime risk is a threat. Many of enterprises purchase insurance to transfer the risk. Crime insurance covers the insured to against losses arising from the criminal acts of employees or third parties. The Money Insurance is the one of crime insurance, mainly to cover the loss of money caused by criminal acts. The Money Insurance in Taiwan through three stages of the evolution. First, we set up Cash in Transit Insurance in 1966. Second, we integrate and expand the coverage and underwriting approach in 1980. Third, we revised terms substantially in 1986. Overall, the Money Insurance has become more complete, but there are still some unreasonable. In addition, the Money Insurance in foreign countries has long been practiced for years. Such as coverage, additional terms, losses database and determining the insurance rate has been mature that we can learn. The article analyzes the existing Money Insurance terms, to put forward specific proposals about those unreasonable. Moreover, we discuss the Money Insurance of other countries, hoping to learn their strengths, so that our Money Insurance could be more complete and meet the actual needs of the insured.
關鍵字 犯罪保險;現金保險;損失發現基礎
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2072-232X
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 廖述源 shuhyuan@mail.tku.edu.tw
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/80191 )
