學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-09-01
作品名稱 淡水中正路老街行為場域與環境意意
作品名稱(其他語言) From Local Life to Tourism: A Study of Behavior Settings and Environmental Meanings of an Old Street in Tamsui, Taiwan
著者 劉綺文; Liu, Chi-wen
單位 淡江大學建築學系暨研究所
出版者 新北市: 淡江大學歷史系
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 淡江史學 23, pp.295-313
摘要 淡水中正路老街在北台灣發展過程中具重要歷史地位,直至1980年代更是淡水地區長年來主要行政、金融與商業中心。隨著大淡水地區整體環境發展與捷運通車使淡水老街面臨著街道拓寬、建築形式更新、與大量觀光人潮湧入的劇烈環境變遷狀態。本論文根據1989和2010間隔二十一年兩次在中正路老街實際進行田野調查蒐集資料而作。研究主要焦點專注於老街中環境行為場域及系統所呈現之社會空間與環境意義關係。觀光發展後之淡水老街不但在行為場域支應量呈現將近兩倍增長,同時觀光消費性質場域取代社區日常生活場域。在地生活場域萎縮與觀光場域興起改變了中正路老街所再現的社會空間關係與環境意義。老街中所發現的行為場域形式和時空運作模式之比較呈現公共領域使用內容與流動性的差異。過去歷史長年累積的環境線索及所傳達集體行為共識已被大量環境符號拼貼及行政體系主導的社會限縮控制取代。在大量去地方化觀光消費與激烈商業競爭中,歷史是一種在建成環境、商家、與觀光客交互運作過程裡無中生有的創造和拼湊。The old street in Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan has a history over 200 years and had gone through a major physical transformation due to urban development and tourism in recent years. The research is based on field works conducted in 1989 and 2010 focusing the use and changes of perception and meanings of the environment. Environment is seen as consisting of behavior settings in organized fashion that provides information for people to understand the social situation and elicit popper behavior rules based on shared interpretation of environmental cues which involve fixed, semi-fixed and non-fixed feature environmental elements. The old street in the new form supports twice as many of settings for activities as twenty-one years ago, but replaces the major role for community daily life with tourist consumer services. The shrinking of local community settings and replacement of setting natures in the midst of tourism indicate changes of socio-spatial relations in the old street environment. It has become more mobile in terms of social interaction but more limits and control of the public space. Norms and general consensus based on collective understanding of environmental cues through time in the old days no longer function as guidance for proper behavior. Instead numerous signs and law reinforcement by public administration become effective for behavior guidance making the street a constricted public realm. Saturated in delocalized tourist consumerism and fierce commercial competition the history of the old street is only a fabrication through interplay of the physical environment, commercial advertisement, and tourist behavior.
關鍵字 行為場域;環境意義;觀光;街道;環境溝通;環境線索;Tourism;History;Behavior setting;Environmental meaning;Environmental cues
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1023-358x
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 劉綺文
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本 電子版

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/79569 )
