學年 88
學期 2
發表日期 2000-05-11
作品名稱 泰國勞工之工作與生活狀況:台灣訪談資料分析
作品名稱(其他語言) Working and Living Conditions of Thai Contract Workers in Taiwan: A Study on Individual Outcomes of Labour Migration
著者 蔡青龍; Tsay, Ching-lung; 林季平; Lin, Ji-ping
作品所屬單位 淡江大學東南亞研究所
出版者 臺北縣:淡江大學東南亞研究所
會議名稱 2000年台灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會
會議地點 臺北縣, 臺灣
摘要 本研究係根據一於1999 年完成的在台泰勞訪問調查,主要目的是希望 ( 1 )描述在台泰勞之一般人口及社經特徵和( 2 )探討他們工作及生活狀況, 包括對在台工作所得期望之滿意度及工作生活適應等相關問題。本研究主要發 現如下;第一、泰勞至台灣工作之遷移動機非單純及直接,即到台灣追求較高 工作報酬。第二、泰勞至台灣工作的遷移成本非常的高; 例如其直接金錢成本 平均即高達140,000 泰餘,然這部分可能係由於利息負擔所致。雖然其遷移之 直接成本非常高,但他們大多表示,至台工作大抵有滿足其原先之期望,主因 是在台工作報酬遠較在泰國高所致。第三、就泰勞之行為、人口及社經特徵而 言,他們大多聚集在北部地區、大多為年輕及低教育程度的男性,工作類型以 製造業及營造業為主。第四、泰勞在台平均月薪大約為新台幣25 ,000 元,且 在營造業者之薪資遠較在製造業為高,然營造業泰勞比製造業泰勞更不滿足其 原先之工作期望;就其所得滿意度而言,營造業泰勞通常認為其已獲得合理報 酬,但製造業外勞之反應則顯得較極端,有一大部分的反應不是不滿意,就是 非常滿意。第五、多數外勞通常不完全瞭解其工作契約內容,且其通常過度工 作;大約有一半的泰勞碰到工作及健康問題,相對於在製造業之泰勞,在營造 業泰勞似乎較易有工作及健康等問題。本研究最後亦指出,雖然泰勞在台灣與 本地人相處通常沒有太大困難,然泰勞遷移的心理成本卻非常的高,原因是幾 乎所有的泰勞皆感到非常獨單。Based on a data set from the 1999 Survey of Thai Migrant Workers in Taiwan, this paper is (1) to depict the general characteristics of Thai contract workers and (2) to explore their working and living situations, including income expectation and adaptation issues. The findings are summarized as follows. The reason for migration is very straightforward: the pursuit of a higher pay in Taiwan. The migration cost is very high (about Bhat 140,000), probably due to the burden of interest charge. In terms of personal characteristics, Thai workers concentrate in the northern Taiwan and are selective of young males with limited education. Most Thai workers have realized their migration expectation, as they enjoyed good pay in Taiwan. The median monthly income is close to NT$ 25,000. Thai workers in the construction industry have a much higher income level than their manufacturing counterparts. In terms of fitness of job-expectation, however, the former are mostly dissatisfied while the latter mostly satisfied. In terms of satisfaction with income, construction workers tend to regard that they are paid fairly for their work. Higher proportion of manufacturing workers are either dissatisfied or highly satisfied. Most Thai workers do not fully understand their work contract and they tend to work overtime. About a half of them have some problems in workplace and in health. In comparison to their manufacturing counterparts, construction workers seem to have more problems with job, workplace, and health. The survey also indicates that there is not much difficulty in dealing with the Taiwanese. The psychic cost of Thai workers might be very high, as nearly all of them often feel very lonely.
關鍵字 國際勞工移動;契約工;遷移成本;台灣;泰國;International Labour Migration;Taiwan;Contract Workers;Migration Outcomes;Thailand
語言 en
會議性質 國際
校內研討會地點 淡水校園
研討會時間 20000511~20000512
通訊作者 蔡青龍; Tsay, Ching-lung
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 2000年台灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會論文集(一),31頁

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