學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-01-01
作品名稱 協力治理觀點下公共管理者的挑戰與能力建立
作品名稱(其他語言) The Challenges Confronting Public Managers and Their Capacity-Building: The Perspective of Collaborative Governance
著者 曾冠球
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 臺北市:考試院
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 文官制度季刊 3(1),頁27-52
摘要 "Collaborative governance" is a new concept broadly refers to multiples stakeholders, the public and private bodies engaging in public affairs via open, in-depth and balanced communication and dialogue to reach - to some extent - a consensus or deliver certain kinds of public services. Apparently, the advantages of collaborative governance are to gain policy but, inevitably, at the expense of certain administrative efficiency from the institutional and structural standpoints. With the increasing pervasiveness and utilization of new governance tools, it is crucial to grasp what public-private collaboration or partnerships means and why the term generates new challenges and, in particular, how public managers face these challenges. In this study, drawing upon the perspectives of individual agencies, the author tries to explicate and address the problems above, and goes on to suggest that the issue of capacity- building for collaborative public managers should be seriously taken into consideration. 「協力治理」是一個新概念,泛指一般民眾或公共及私人機構等多元利害關係人,透過開放、深度與平衡的溝通與對話之途徑,參與公共事務以建立某種程度之共識,或提供公共服務。顯然地,從公共政策角度而言,協力治理的優點是可以獲致政策正當性、回應性,以至於效能性,但無可避免地得犧牲某些行政效率,至少從制度與結構觀點來看可以得到這樣結論。由於新治理工具日益普遍使用,我們有必要了解什麼是公私協力與夥伴關係,為何產生這樣的詞彙,特別是公共管理者如何面對此概念底下相關挑戰。本文作者汲取「個體能動者觀點」(individual agency perspective)的知識傳統,以合理化上述問題之延伸討論,並建議日後應多關注公共管理者協力能力建立的根本問題。
關鍵字 協力治理; 公私夥伴關係; 個體能動者觀點; 協力能力建立; 跨域管理者 Collaborative governance; Public-private partnership; Individual agency perspective; Collaborative capacity-building; Boundary spanner
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2073-9214
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 曾冠球
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

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