學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-10-01
作品名稱 高速移動之多天線與多頻道無線通訊之通道模型與干擾控制之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) Channel Models and Interference Management for High Mobilily, Mimo and Multiband Wireless Communication System
著者 詹益光; 丘建青
單位 淡江大學電機工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2221-E032-031
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 The demand for higher data rates and vast applications in wireless networks have triggered the development and design of new wireless technologies and the new system deployments such as WiMAX, 3GPP and LTE systems. These system developments are operated in around the 2.5 GHz frequency band. Lately the traditionally frequency band between 470 MHz and 862 MHz that originally allocated for radio and TV broadcasting services became available for other services and applications and has been considered its availability for use in the WiMAX, 3GPP or LTE systems. It has also been drawn attention that in this band it has low propagation loss and also possibly having lower penetration loss for outdoor-indoor propagation comparing to the allocated 2.5/3.5 GHz band. Femtocells are low-power wireless AP that operate in licensed spectrum and connect mobile devices to an operator’s network over broadband connections. Femtocells enable lower cost wireless broadband, high sustained data rates and lower power that potentially will revolutionize mobile network deployments within 3GPP, WiMAX, and LTE. Basically three tasks will be conducted in this study for a period of 2 years, (1) The development of propagation loss, channel model and interference mitigation technology for high speed (500 km/hr), multi-band, multi-carrier and MIMO wireless communication systems especially compare in detail the transmission characteristics between 700 MHz and 2.5/3.5 GHz systems, (2) The development of channel model, including propagation loss, penetration loss for Femtocell, the development of interference model between Femtocell and Macrocell and investigate the interference mitigation and avoidance technologies between them and (3) System performance evaluation and simulation for 700 MHz and 2.5GHz/3.5 GHz high mobility OFDM wireless communication systems, including the Femtocells deployment, in various communication environments such as urban, suburban and home/small office. Analyze and compare their system performances 近年來,人們在無線網路上對於數據的高速傳送及其應用的大量需求,引起了新無 線電技術的探討及新無線電系統如WiMAX、3GPP 和LTE 之佈建。這些無線電系統都 是在2.5GHz/3.5GHz 附近運作。近期在傳統應用於廣播電視的470 MHz 及870 MHz 頻 段隨著類比電視在此頻段的釋出,使得人們考量是否能將WiMAX、3GPP 及LTE 應用 於此頻段內。主要的考量是它的路徑傳輸損失會比2.5GHz 來的小同時它在室外-室內的 傳送中可能也會有較低的穿透損失。 Femtocell 具有較低的發射功率,同時它是工作在需具有執照許可的頻段內利用寬頻 將行動電話用戶與電信系統相聯結。使用Femtocell 不但可以降低建置成本且具有高傳 輸速率與極低功率消耗等優點。它在小型辦公室及家庭內的應用有著無限的潛能,也可 能帶進目前的3GPP、3GPP2、WiMAX 與LTE-Advanced 系統並做技術的整合。 基本上本計畫為二年之工作計劃,其工作內容為(1)建立高速度(500 公里/時)、多 頻帶、多載波、多天線系統的傳播損失通道模型、探討其干擾控制技術。特別是針對 700MHz 及2.5GHz/3.5GHz 二系統的傳輸特性做一詳細的比較。(2)建立700MHz 及 2.5G/3.5G 系統中Femotcell 之傳播損失通道模型,穿透損失及Macrocell - Femtocell 間之 干擾模型及干擾源。探討減少或防止兩者間干擾之技術。(3)在不同的通信情境中如市 區、郊區、家庭/辦公室等進行包括Femtocell 之700MHz 及2.5G/3.5G 之無線電OFDM 系統效能模擬分析及比較。
關鍵字 Femtocell;Macrocell;high mobility;interference model;propagation loss;link budget;interference randomization;interference cancellation;interference coordination;frequency reuse;dead zone
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76924 )
