運動與棒球文化資產之數位典藏與資源整合 (II)
學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-01-01
作品名稱 運動與棒球文化資產之數位典藏與資源整合 (II)
作品名稱(其他語言) Digital Archiving and Resource Integration of Athletic and Baseball Culture Assets (Ii)
著者 林信成
單位 淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2631-H032-001 研究期間:20110801~20121231 研究經費:3,029,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 本研究為延續型計畫,旨在將過去幾年棒球數位典藏計畫所累積之成果,拓展至運動文化資產之保存與整合,包括奧運、省運、田徑、籃球 … 等相關領域。以當代觀點而言,體育運動是具較大群體向心力的社會公共活動,更是新經濟時代充滿活力的產業之一,充分體現運動文化資產之市場競爭力,如奧林匹克的品牌價值即具備強大的資本滲透能量,充分展現運動文化在文化體系中之重要性。台灣由於早期日治殖民、國共戰亂、戒嚴、退出聯合國、解嚴等特殊時代背景,導致體育運動文化之發展有別於世界各國;百年來台灣運動文化資產豐富多元,非常值得有組織、有系統的保存、典藏、推廣與應用。然而,台灣近百年來由於特殊的歷史背景與政治發展,導致百年運動史的前五十年史料徵集相對困難,而近五十年的資料,則可從歷年的報紙新聞中取得。因此,自2010年起本計畫再度取得聯合知識庫授權,同意對「聯合報系資料中心」所典藏的老舊運動新聞照片、底片進行數位化工作,加註適當的後設資料(Metadata),並與先前的棒球數位典藏庫整合,使其成為更具參考價值之全面性資料庫;同時也將開發親和之使用者介面、便捷之檢索程式與具Web 2.0互動功能之應用系統,以協助體育界人士、體育運動研究者以及所有對各項運動有興趣的社會大眾,能更深入、更有效率的探索台灣體育運動與社會發展的脈絡。 This is an extended program try to duplicate the experience when accumulating, digitizing the baseball-related material (final output from previous project “Taiwan Baseball Digital Archives”), and expand it to other topics such as Olympics Games, Provincial Games, Fields and Tracks Games as well as all kind of Ball Games and reach the goal of keeping, integrating and forming the athletic culture we ever walked through. Contemporarily, athletic games are not only an activity with much of public attraction but also the representative of the energetic industries. It displays the strong potential of capital penetration which is derived from the athletic culture; the most convincing evidence is the commercial trend of the brand name of Olympics Games itself. That, again, tells the importance of athletic culture within the social culture system. Taiwan ever went through many different political backgrounds such as the periods of Japanese-colonization, Chinese inner war, ROC withdrawing from UN, releasing from martial-control over the past century. All these brought us different path of athletic culture, which is totally unique from other countries in the world. Thereafter, it created varieties of athletic culture assets in this land that worthy of our efforts to protect, collect, organize, promote and apply those invaluable and rich elements of our athletic culture deposits. However, due to much of the political restraints and some special historical background, it blocks the collection and confirmation of the first-half-century of Taiwan athletic history. The lucky is the stories of later-half-century can be retrieved from the newspaper collective-albums. Therefore, starting from 2010, we honorably get the authority of using UDN knowledge base, to do some digitization work for those invaluable collective news photos, negative films, then append appropriate digital metadata to them, finally integrate them with our previous implemented Baseball Digital Collective Database. We hope our efforts will make this knowledge base become a more comprehensive, efficient and influential indexing material. Meanwhile, we’ll also focus on developing more friendly user interface, more convenient and straightforward searching , more up-to-date web 2.0 style interactive operation, to help people, no matter they are athletes, researchers or the sport-loving, feel the pulse and beat of where Taiwan athletic culture comes from and where it goes, and explore the track of Taiwan society development stories.
關鍵字 運動文化資產; 數位典藏; 底片數位化; 資訊組織
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76365 )
