學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-08-01
作品名稱 台灣漁港的興衰與倫理的反思
作品名稱(其他語言) The Rise and Decline of Taiwan Fishing Ports and Ethical Reflection
著者 徐佐銘
單位 淡江大學通識與核心課程中心
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2410-H032-060-MY2
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 2010年12月25日,漁業署公布「第二屆十大魅力漁港」的得獎名單。主辦單 位根據設定的十大主題,經由民眾票選及專家學者評鑑,而選出十個得獎漁港。在節 慶般的熱鬧喧騰中,其實反映了背後台灣漁港的興衰,以及漁民生計的困境。 仔細去探究這些問題,我們會發現,由於全球性的過漁現象,而導致漁場枯竭。 為了因應這個困境,漁業署提出減船、休漁、及漁業轉型等政策,而其背後的行動綱 領則為永續發展。 我認為,國內在談永續發展時,往往忽略其倫理意涵,因而環境倫理的議題,往 往被化約為政治、經濟、社會、法律、生態及地理議題。由於這個不當的化約,使得 永續發展論所具有的倫理意涵,幾乎被淡化殆盡。因此,漁業署在擬定漁業轉型的政 策時,也忽視動物權等倫理議題。 本專題研究計畫為二年期計畫。第一年的計畫「歷史、生態與環境倫理的考察」 ,將探索台灣漁港興衰的歷史背景,並著重在生態與倫理的對話。第二年的計畫「十 大魅力漁港的考察」,將持續關注魅力漁港的票選,並特別注意主題的設定是否符合 永續發展及漁業轉型的目標,以及反思其背後的倫理意涵。 The fishery administration announced the winners of “The Second Year’s of Top Ten Fascinating Fishing Ports” on December 25, 2010. According to ten topics, people and the authorities chose ten fishing ports as the winners. In the bustling activity, in fact, it reflects the rise and decline of Taiwan’s fishing ports and the difficulties of the fishers. When we investigate the problems, we will find the fact. The fishing areas have been exhausted because of the global overfishing. The fishery administration proposed the plans of reducing boats, stop fishing and the transformation of fishery to seek to reduce the difficulty. The guide of these plans is “sustainable development”. In Taiwan, the issues of environmental ethics are often been reduced to be the political, economical, social, legal, ecological or geographic problems. This improper reduction has the bad result that the ethical problems, such as animal rights, were neglected. This research plan will be proceeded in two years. In the first year, I will investigate the connection of history, ecology and ethics of the rise and decline of Taiwan fishing ports. In the second year, I will continue to notice the winners of the top ten fishing ports and propose the questions whether it is related to sustainable development and the transformation of the fishery. I will also analyze the ethical issues.
關鍵字 台灣漁港的興衰; 永續發展; 十大魅力漁港; 倫理的反思; The Rise and Decline of Taiwan Fishing Ports; Sustainable Development; The Transformation of Fishery; The Top Ten Fascinating Fishing Ports; Ethical Reflection
語言 zh_TW

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