學年 98
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-01-01
作品名稱 本外籍英語教學老師之協同教學及專業成長---運用線上討論之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) Facilitating Collaborative Interactions and Professional Development through Online Discussions--- A Case Study of English Team Teachers in Taiwan
著者 蔡瑞敏
單位 淡江大學英文學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC99-2410-H032-068 研究期間:20100801~20110731 研究經費:519,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 因應英語已成為全球化語言的衝擊,台灣及亞洲國家都投入大量的人力以及金錢推行英語教師協同教學。研究顯示,本、外籍英語老師之間專業互動、合作關係的好壞是影響協同教學成效以及是否能藉由協同教學提升英語老師專業成長的最重要因素。因此尋求不同的途徑,使不同籍英語教師之間的交流最大化,進而加強教師之間的了解及合作,使課堂中的協同教學能夠更順利,是非常重要的課題。 近年來,電腦網路溝通在語言教學與教師專業成長方面被大量地應用。但是,針對協同教師線上互動溝通與專業成長的相關研究相當缺乏。為此,本計畫將針對英語協同教師參與線上溝通活動的互動以及其專業成長進行探討。本計劃為質性研究,預計執行兩年。第一年將探討本、外籍英語協同教師們如何利用線上溝通工具:(1)達到專業溝通並且探討有關協同教學活動之議題? (2)解決衝突、提升相互了解?(3)建構分享英語教學知識?以及探討(4)教師們進行線上溝通活動時所抱持的態度以及經驗。第二年將探討本、外籍英語協同教師們在參與線上溝通活動之後:(1)在實際課堂上協同教學的執行上是否有所改變?有何改變?(2)專業上及人際間的互動是否有所改變?有何改變?以及探討(3)此參與線上溝通的經驗對協同老師的英語教學知識及本身實際教學活動是否造成影響?有何影響? 在本計劃中,協同教師們將使用Moodle教學網站以及其所提供各項電腦中介溝通的工具進行不同模式的溝通與互動,並且針對線上討論經驗回答問卷,撰寫教師反思日誌,與研究者進行個別訪談,以及提供協同教學相關材料。透過質性與量性研究資料交叉綜合分析,本研究希望能了解及描述英語協同教師的線上溝通行為。除此之外,研究結果也期許能進一步認識協同教師間線上互動對專業知識與教學成長的影響。 In recent years, team teaching in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms where native and nonnative English teachers work together has been commonly implemented in several East Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. For these countries, importation of foreign teachers from English-speaking countries to team teach with local English teachers is viewed as a way to bring authentic language input to EFL classrooms, facilitate cross-cultural communication, enhance students’ English ability, and promote local English teachers’ professional development. Research has confirmed that team teaching makes valuable contributions to students’ English learning and teachers’ ongoing growth. However, it also shows that the quality of collegial relationships among teachers greatly affect the success of team teaching practice and the opportunities of team teachers’ professional development. Therefore, it is crucial to seek a strategic approach to maximize team teachers’ mutual communication and collegial interactions. Rapid developments in computer technology have been leading a trend of applying computer mediated communication to facilitate language learning and teacher preparation. However, this salient mode of communication has not yet been adapted to promote team teachers’ collegial interactions, and there is a lack of research in this field. To fill the gap, this proposed study, following a two-year qualitative research design, aims to explore and illustrate English team teachers’ interactions through online discussions and their professional development subsequent to their participation in this project. In the first year of this research project, the team teachers in Taiwanese elementary or junior high school English classes will participate in online discussions on Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) (www.moodle.org) and its real-time communication platform. Using this platform, they will discuss issues related to team teaching, share teaching ideas, and collaborate to solve problems. In addition, they will need to answer a questionnaire to evaluate their experience and express comments on participating in this project. In the second year, to examine the effect of the experience in online discussions on their professional development, the participating teachers will need to write reflective teaching journals and be interviewed individually by the researcher through the asynchronous online discussion provided by Moodle. To triangulate different sources of data, relevant team teaching and English teaching materials will also be collected. Quantitative data collected from the questionnaire will be analyzed statistically through SPSS. And a constant comparative data analysis method will be employed to analyze qualitative data in order to provide an in-depth description of the team teachers’ interactive activities through online discussions and its effect on their professional development. The result of this study will take a leap forward in helping researchers understand how team teachers interact through online activities and its likely impact on teachers’ development. Furthermore, this project hopes to provide valuable insights on how to improve the team teaching practice in Taiwan.
關鍵字 英語協同教學; 教師合作; 專業成長; 電腦中介溝通; 線上討論 English team teaching; teacher collaboration; professional development; computer-mediated communication; online discussions
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76215 )
