學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-08-01
作品名稱 結構性輕量型鋼外牆在台灣的永續應用
作品名稱(其他語言) Sustainable Application of Structural Metal Stud Exterior Wall System in Taiwan
著者 畢光建
單位 淡江大學建築學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2221-E032-049
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Cavity wall is defined from Kuang-Chein Bee’s research, titled: “Sustainability Application to Brick veneer Construction, 2009”. The research suggests that the building exterior wall is in general composed of two parts: Body and Skin. They are separated with an air gap called cavity. The “body”takes care of functional aspects of wall, such as: structure, waterproofing, insulation, and ventilation etc. The “Skin” is a layer of decorative material attached to the body. The two parts are mixed for most of the building construction practice in Taiwan. Few are not. The later we call “Cavity Wall” The cavity wall improves the functional performance of the exterior wall. It also offers varieties of the facial material. It serves well to the needs of flexibility in the building market. Structurally speaking, the functional wall can be made of reinforced concrete (RC), concrete masonry unit (CMU), structural metal studs, and wood studs. The research of year 2011 will limit to the structural metal studs for its better sustainable nature, and will focus on the following two items: 1. The fine tuning of the structural metal stud wall application in Taiwan 2. The collection and analysis of its performance data. We take the curtain wall concept to assume that its main structure is either RC or steel construction of post and lintel system. The research needs to take joint venture with the professionals to monitor the application of the “cavity wall”. We need to work with architects and contractors to identify issues throughout planning, design, and construction phases, and develop solutions for each phase. The systematic approach of the research will shorten the length of the learning curve for professionals. It tends to costume solutions that satisfy the needs of market in the forms of economy, labor skill, technical thresholds, and construction management. The structural metal stud system needs to be promoted in Taiwan because of its sustainable and recyclable nature. The ultimate goal of the research is aimed at sustainable application in Taiwan building industry. The research focuses on exploring “recyclable” building materials and the “replaceable” constructional methods. It applies to new and existing buildings. For the later, it is a means of “skin treatment” that improves the wall performance in its energy saving. The decorative unit system can be further developed being “disposable” or “of second hand”. The disposable skin is tuning to the market value of fashion, consumption, sales, and low cost. The “second hand” wall units are designed for those durable and expensive materials that can be re-used and re-collected. However, either “disposable” or “second hand” wall units are devices that aggressively set up the delivery standards for the building industry and a smart answer to the sustainability needs of our time. 「複合式外牆系統」的定義,延伸自畢光建於98 年度國科會研究案「磚造工法在 台灣永續應用的探討」,該研究案將建築外牆在「概念」上分為「主體」與「包被」兩 個部分,以空氣層隔開。建築外牆的「主體」為功能牆,它處理外牆的結構、防 水、排水、隔熱、透氣等功能,「包被」則為裝飾牆,它是附著在功能牆外面的「 裝飾性面材」。每一面建築外牆可均由此兩部分構成,台灣的營建案例中,它們 常混為一談,但是仍有少數案例是清楚分開的,後者稱為:「複合式外牆系統」。 複合式外牆系統可提高外牆的功能效益(functional performance),並釋放外牆 飾材的多元性,來滿足市場上的彈性需求。複合式外牆的功能牆部分,以結構 分類,常用的系統有:RC牆,水泥空心磚牆(CMU),結構性輕量型鋼牆(Structural metal stud wall),以及木構小柱系統(Wood stud Wall)。本案以永續為訴求,因 此複合式外牆系統的討論侷限於結構性輕量型鋼牆系統。至於複合式外牆的裝 飾面材系統,亦以符合永續條件的飾材為討論對象。 98 年度研究案的任務是:完成外牆「主體」系統的概念建構,和「清水磚」作為「 包被」系統的應用。100 年度的研究案-- 「複合式外牆系統在台灣的永續應用」 則將深化下列兩個項目的探討: 1. 「結構性輕量型鋼」外牆構造系統的建構與微調 2. 「結構性輕量型鋼」外牆系統的性能評估 本研究案在探討「結構性輕量型鋼」外牆系統時,以「帷幕牆」的概念為基本假 設。亦即結構性輕量型鋼外牆系統將「披掛」在主結構之外,主結構則假設為台 灣常用之RC 結構,或鋼骨結構。 「複合式」外牆系統在台灣建築實務上的應用較少,因此本案必須與業界合作, 省視此系統在規劃、設計、與施工階段所遭遇的問題,並與建築師、營造廠合 作研議,尋找合宜可行的改善方案。透過系統性的方法,縮短專業人員的學習 曲線,整合併解決市場、造價、技術門檻、與營建管理等問題。本案的工作內 容為「結構性輕量型鋼」外牆系統的「工法規範」與「性能評估」的建立。測試並整 理「結構性輕量型鋼」外牆系統的組構與性能數據,訂定建築師工程發包圖說中 的「材料與工法規範」的基礎內容。 「複合式」外牆中的「裝飾面材系統」將以「環保」與「永續」的概念為訴求。因此, 在材料上以「可回收材」為研究對象,在工法上則以「可替換」外牆裝飾單元為目 標。結合此材料與工法的開發,本案將分別討論其在:全新建築上的應用,以 及在舊建築上的「皮層再造」。本案的長遠目標,則是將外牆裝飾面材系統推向「 可拋棄式」,以及「二手飾材」的觀念;前者的應用,將瞄準行銷,時尚,平價、 可回收等市場概念。後者的應用,則界定在較昂貴的外牆單元飾材的開發與再 利用。然兩者的概念均源自永續的時代需求,本案亦將以永續的共識做為各階 段的驗收標準。
關鍵字 Body and Skin; Monolithic/ Layered; Literal/ Decorative; Cavity Wall; Replaceable Unit System; Recyclable/ Disposable ExteriorWall System; Second Hand Wall; Structural Metal Stud Wall System; VeneerWall; Dry/ Wet Construction; Moisture proofing system; Metal Flashing; Rain Screen Wall; Open Join Cladding; Insulation; Building Envelop; Embodied Energy; Labor dependent; Tectonic
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76196 )
