學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-01-01
作品名稱 掙脫「鐵的牢籠」?:解釋機關員工的創新行為與挑戰
作品名稱(其他語言) Get Rid of “The Iron Cage”?: Exploring the Employees’ Innovative Behavior and Innovation Challenges in the Government Agencies
著者 曾冠球
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2410-H032-048
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 【研究背景】 從效率導向觀點而言,創新對於任何組織生存十分重要,尤其在競爭激 烈的私部門領域。反觀傳統刻板印象似乎認為政府部門沒有創新必要,制度與組織文化 多不鼓勵創新,弔詭的是,實務上這類創新成果卻不勝枚舉。在此背景下,近年來有學 者轉而關注政府創新議題,比較遺憾的是,除了累積的經驗研究相對稀少外,多數研究 同時獨漏了對公共創新者行為進行探究。 【研究目的】 政府部門創新往往是由特定行動者加以發動——不論是基層人員或中階 主管;儘管先天上存在諸多阻礙政府組織創新之因素,但究竟哪些因素影響與如何影響 員工創新行為卻是一個啟人疑竇的問題;另一附帶問題則由創新者自評面臨的執行挑戰 以及政府創新獎項安排造成的影響。 【研究方法】 私部門多數成員或具備某種創新與企業家行為,但對政府部門員工卻難 以等量齊觀。本研究個案取自於「台北市政府創意提案會報」,特別鎖定那些參與創新競 賽之實務工作者進行焦點團體座談與問卷調查。方法論上,此等具有創新實戰經驗的員 工是本研究重點調查對象,以其作為受測者除了範圍明確外,更可避免受測結果流於浮 面或誇大的缺失。此外,次級資料分析則被用以了解歷年參賽情形演變,以間接了解政 府創新獎設計衍生的影響。有關質性與量化資料將分別運用MAXQDA、SPSS、AMOS 等軟體進行分析。 【預期貢獻】沿襲互動學派傳統,本研究將建構「創新者屬性與組織系絡互動模型」,以 驗證政府部門成員創新行為如何受到個人與組織層級變數的交互作用;同時,也藉此探 究政府創新面臨的組織挑戰以及創新獎項安排獎造成的影響。此外,作者將對研究結果 提出管理實務建議。整體而言,上述問題的解謎將直接連結到公共治理與服務績效改善 的核心問題。 【Research Background】 From the efficiency-oriented perspective, innovation is crucial to any organization survival, especially for those intensively competitive private sector organizations. Owing to the reasons that institutions and culture perversely inhibit organization innovation, government sector traditionally has been seemed inhospitable to innovation. Paradoxically, lots of innovation achievements actually occurred in administrative practice. Against this background, scholars no wonder recently turn to the topic of government innovation. It seems, unfortunately, that not only empirical studies concerning this topic are relatively rare, but the majority of studies also neglect to inquire public employees’ innovative behavior. 【Research Purpose】The author assumes that government innovative activities are initiated by certain individual actor, whether they are frontline staff or middle managers. While there are plenty of obstacles confronting government innovators, we have no idea about what and how factors might affect employees’ innovative behavior at work. Another associative problem in this research is to explore the innovation challenges and those effects caused by the government innovation award through the specific employees’ self-report. 【Research Methods】Employee in the private sector to a large extent incline to perform innovative and entrepreneurship behavior, while it would be native to expect all of the public servants would like to do so. Therefore, “台北市政府創意提案會報”is consciously utilized as a case study, and the author specially focuses on those applicants, who ever participated in the innovation campaign, as the subject of data collection through focus group interview and questionnaire investigation. Methodologically, selecting these public servants as our target will not only have definitive research boundary, but avoid imaginative or exaggerative answers. Plus, secondary data concerning the trend of the applicants’ numbers will be analyzed to partially grasp the influences caused by the award. Finally, the software such as MAXQDA、SPSS、AMOS will be independently used to conduct qualitative and quantitative data analysis. 【Research Contributions】 Drawing on the literature known as interactionist perspective, the author will construct “the interactive model of personal attributes and organizational context” and by which to validate how public employee innovative behavior are shaped by the interaction of individual-level and organization-level variables. Meanwhile, the challenges of innovation implementation and the effects caused by the government innovation award will be inquired. Also, managerial implications will be addressed. Overall, the suggestions of public governance and service performance improvements will be provided if the author can solve the puzzle mentioned above.
關鍵字 government innovation; public innovator; public innovation award; innovation challenges; employees’ innovative behavior
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76096 )
