Anisotropic electronic structure in quasi-one-dimensional K0.3MoO3: An angle-dependent x-ray absorption study
學年 95
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2007-07-09
作品名稱 Anisotropic electronic structure in quasi-one-dimensional K0.3MoO3: An angle-dependent x-ray absorption study
著者 Tsai, H. M.; Asokan, K.; Pao, C. W.; Chiou, J. W.; Du, C. H.; Pong, Way-Faung; Tsai, M. H.; Jang, L. Y.
單位 淡江大學物理學系
出版者 College Park: American Institute of Physics
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Applied Physics Letters 91(2), 022109(3pages)
摘要 The electronic structure of quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) blue bronze, K0.3MoO3, was investigated by angle-dependent x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at O and K K and Mo L3 edges along the quasi-1D MoO6 octahedron-chain direction, i.e., the b axis, and the octahedron-in-plane direction, i.e., the d axis, well below its Peierls phase transition temperature (180 K). The O K-edge XANES spectra indicate that the angle dependence of O 2p–Mo 4d hybridization, especially those with the π* character, is more significant along the b axis than along the d axis. Similar trend is also observed in the Mo L3-edge XANES spectra. The K K-edge XANES spectra reveal anisotropic effect of hybridization of K 4p states with O 2p states on the MoO6 octahedron.
關鍵字 potassium compounds; XANES; electronic density of states
語言 en
ISSN 0003-6951 1077-3118
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
通訊作者 Pong, Way-Faun
國別 USA
出版型式 紙本

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