學年 83
學期 2
發表日期 1995-05-27
作品名稱 資訊系統分析人員技能需求與培訓方式之實證研究
作品名稱(其他語言) An Empirical Study on Perceived Importance of System Analysts'Job Skills
著者 黃振中; 蔡佩芬
作品所屬單位 淡江大學資訊管理學系
會議名稱 第六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會=6th International on Information Management
會議地點 桃園, 臺灣
摘要 由於企業競爭之日趨激烈,資訊科技(Information Techno1ogy) 逐漸成為其追求競爭優勢、達成永續生存的手段。此一趨勢使得資訊部門在組織內之角色也日趨重要。然而,資訊應用涵蓋之產業別層面甚廣;如何以有限教育資源培訓滿足各行各業需求的分析設計人才,將是學校教育的一項挑戰。男一方面,在資訊應用工真不斷推陳出新之際,很多從事相關行業的資管系畢業生,多認為學校教育和現實環境需求有脫節現象。企業界如何實施資訊人員之在職訓練,並和學校教育相互配合也將是未來企業主管應當深思的課題。本研究以資訊管理學系畢業生的主要就業目標_ í'資訊系統分析人員(System Ana1yst)之培訓教育為研究對象。一方面自文獻探索和專家訪談過程中,分析探討資訊管理教育之課程設計與分類,並彙整出系統分析人員應具備的27 項職業技能(Skills) 。另一方面,利用此一技能資料為基石設計出一套間卷,進行實証研究。研究對象包含系統分析人員之供給者(學校)、需求者(企業界)及受教者(系統分析人員本身)三大族群,以探討其對這些技能之認同度及差異性, 並有多項發現。 Due to the violently competitive business environment, some companies used information technology as their strategic weapons to get the competitive advantage for survival. Nowadays both the role of EDP center and the position of Information Management personnel in the organization become more important than those as before. Thus,how to use the limited university education resources to train qualified system analysts for urgent needs of diversified industries now becomes a tough challenge of the school.On the other hand, many graduate students of the Department of Information Management complained of ill-designed courses.Therefore,how to carry out the Information Technology on-job training as well as to link with the school education in the company will also be a hot issue of the executive.In this article, we will set up our research focus on the training avenue of the qualified system analyst ( SA ) --- one of the most important job position for the graduate students of Information Management Department.
 Before conducting an empirical resaerch, 27 professional skills needed by a qualified system analyst will be first determined from previous literatures and experts' oplfllons. Furthermore, a questionnaire taking those professional skills as the base, we made a survey on three related groups
 including the SA themselves, the school faculty ( the supplier) and the CIO of companies ( the demander) and got some findings from the response data.
關鍵字 系統分析人員;資訊管理教育;職業技能=System Analyst,;Information Management Education;
 Professional Skills
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 19950527~19950528
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 第六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集=Proceeding of 6th International on Information Management,頁286-293

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/23093 )
