Efficient cache invalidation schemes for mobile data accesses
學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-11-01
作品名稱 Efficient cache invalidation schemes for mobile data accesses
著者 Chuang, Po-Jen; Chiu, Yu-Shian
單位 淡江大學電機工程學系
出版者 Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc.
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Information Sciences 181(22), pp.5084–5101
摘要 This paper presents two cache invalidation schemes to maintain data consistency between the server and clients in a mobile environment. Designed according to real situations like MANET, the Adaptive Data Dividing (ADD) scheme divides data into groups of different utilization ratios and varies group broadcast intervals to reduce data access time and bandwidth consumption. The Data Validity Defining (DVD) scheme aims to solve the validity problem of cached data items, which usually happens after clients disconnect from the server. Experimental evaluations and performance analyses exhibit that the two schemes outperform most existing cache invalidation schemes in terms of data access time, cache miss ratios, query uplink ratios and bandwidth consumption.
關鍵字 Mobile data accesses; Cache invalidation; Server-client data consistency; Invalidation reports; MANET; Performance evaluation
語言 en
ISSN 0020-0255
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
通訊作者 Chuang, Po-Jen
國別 USA
出版型式 紙本

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