To Build Web 2.0 Sports Knowledge Management Platform – A Case Study of Taiwan's Volleyball Development
學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-12-01
作品名稱 To Build Web 2.0 Sports Knowledge Management Platform – A Case Study of Taiwan's Volleyball Development
著者 Huang, K. C.; Lu, Y. J.; Huang, K. H.; Hu, W. S.; Lin, K. S.
單位 淡江大學體育事務處
出版者 Nakhon Phathom: Sports Science Society of Thailand
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Journal of Sports Science and Technology 10(2s), pp.319-323
摘要 The core concept of “Web 2.0” is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. We use this method to broadcast the content of volleyball on-line museum. In addition, the activity culture is formed by many terms, like as specific activities、events、facilities、venue construction、record reporting、invisible competition system、skill development and values. Finally, we create a website which can extend the content through the activities of the network community to share the knowledge about the developing history of volleyball in Taiwan. By the long time of data collection, heritage collection and case interviews, we find out the development procedure of the volleyball history in Taiwan. Besides, we show the results of the researches via a series of digital processes, including web platform development, heritage restoration, digital imaging set specifications, file scanning, heritage photography, old photos photographing, image color correction and post-production industry, meta data management, collection and presentation. The digital results will be shown on the website which we create for this research specifically. We enhance the concept of web 2.0 into the website design of the virtual museum. The website proposes the function of the interaction communication between the builder and the browsers. The browsers can not only visit the website and obtain the information about the content which we present in the database, but also give the comment to specific object. In the side of website creation, we refer to the results of the related work to choose “WordPress” to be the website platform. We build the virtual museum on this platform and share restrictedly the digital content of the culture objects, which including old photos, Guidebooks(Handbooks), memorial flags, badges, judgment cards and magazines. There are 544 pieces from 1922 to 2007, and we give 6 categories and 22 sub-categories according to the kind of the events. The procedure of collecting history antique is long time and complex. We investigate the events by the interview with the person involved. However, some important information has been lost in time. Moreover, since the most objects of volleyball developing procedure are owned in private, the information is hard to be transmitted. Hence we build the virtual museum through website in the internet to share the information we obtain from each investigation and improve the diversity of the activity culture in Taiwan.
關鍵字 web2.0;knowledge management platform;digital archiving;volleyball historical relic;sport assets
語言 en
期刊性質 國外
國別 THA
出版型式 ,紙本

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