The effect of multiple branches on sound propagation in long enclosures
學年 97
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2009-06-01
作品名稱 The effect of multiple branches on sound propagation in long enclosures
著者 Liu, Jacob Chia-Chun; Lu, Po-Chien
單位 淡江大學水資源及環境工程學系
出版者 Kidlington: Pergamon
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Applied Acoustics 70(6), pp.894–901
摘要 Since the classical room acoustics can not be used for long enclosures due to the inhomogeneous sound field, much work has been carried out recently to investigate the sound propagation in long enclosures, which are helpful to the acoustic design of practical long enclosures, such as the high-speed railway tunnels. However, most of these works focuses on the straight long enclosures without branches or with one branch. In this paper, the effects of the multiple branches on sound propagation of long enclosures are studied. The sound pressure level (SPL) attenuation, early decay time (EDT), and reverberation time (T30) of long enclosures with multiple branches have been investigated by physical scale models based acoustic experiments. Several interesting results have been obtained concerning the sound propagation of long enclosures with multiple branches. It shows that the sound field of long enclosures with multiple branches is more complex and inhomogeneous than that of the long enclosures without branches or with one branch.
關鍵字 Sound propagation; Long enclosures; Multiple vertical/inclined branches; Early decay time; Reverberation time
語言 en
ISSN 0003-682X
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
國別 GBR
出版型式 紙本

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