學年 89
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2001-03-01
作品名稱 中西社會及其經濟思想--一個文化經濟學的比較研究嘗試
作品名稱(其他語言) A Cultural Economic Comparisons of the East-West Social Economic Thoughts
著者 魏萼
單位 淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 思與言=Thought and Words 39(1),頁1-28
摘要 當前的西歐、北美等資本主義國家經濟,在經濟政策與制度上均非可與昔日相比較。隨著傳統資本主義經濟災害不斷發生,從而逐步調整資本主義的經濟政策。由於傳統資本主義的基本精神一再被曲解,於是政府的經濟政策所扮演的角色日漸重要,其擔負的是經濟警察的功能。 東亞諸國(日本以及亞太四小龍)的經濟發展模式深獲重視,特別是l978年以後的中國大陸,步入其所謂的社會主義市場經濟(或稱之為中國特色社會主義)以後,其經濟思想發展的成績斐然,更是引人注目。東亞諸國的經濟發展文化是綜合東方經濟文化與西方經濟文化而成的,但他們已拒絕了西方非主流的馬克思主義文化,而中國大陸的中華人民共和國則是從「中國馬列主義化」轉變成1978年以後的「馬列主義中國化」的道路。 中西經濟思想下文化的重心皆以市場經濟為主要,所以我們可說這條中國經濟的模式就是富有中國特色的市場經濟(中國特色資本主義)。具體說,此為「中體西用」的「拿來論」經濟哲學,也是當前中國特色的市場經濟精髓所在。本論文嘗試進行文化經濟學的比較研究,來釐清中國特色的市場經濟的問題。 The 20th century has witnessed two unique efforts by societies to produce wealth and power: create institutions to replace the market place or devise means to guide the market. The world-wide movement of communism failed in large part because the state of Latin America, Africa, Middle East, and much of Asia. Where states intervened in the market to develop new industries, they produced economic misery in the form of inflation, weakened governments, soaring unemployment, and poverty. Is there a unique Chinese-style capitalism alive in East Asia today? Comparisons are misleading. Hong Kong's thriving economy is made-up of Chinese, but the British governed without imposing a high-cost defense system upon its subjects. Singapore is merely a city-state without the complexities of managing a large rural economy and many cities. Taiwan is very different. It has a Chinese government which must provide national security at high costs of citizens, and its economy is complex and comprised of villages and cities. But has its economic success borne any relationship to its small size? This claim is false, and the size factor is irrelevant. In order to illuminate the situation of Chinese-style Capitalism this paper tackles the topic of the cultural economic comparison of the East-West social economic thoughts.
關鍵字 經濟災害;中國特色資本主義;中國經濟思想;中西比較經濟思想;東亞經濟發展模式;Economic misery;Chinese-style capitalism;Comparison of East-West social economic thought
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 0258-8412

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/66597 )
