The East/West Cultural Relationship in The Crippled Tree
學年 96
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2008-04-30
作品名稱 The East/West Cultural Relationship in The Crippled Tree
作品名稱(其他語言) 《傷殘的樹》中東西方之文化關係
著者 王緒鼎
單位 淡江大學英文學系
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 真理大學人文學報 6,頁225-240
摘要 This essay examines the East/West relationship in "The Crippled Tree" by Han Suyin whose life has been lived on the boundaries of many worlds, personally, professionally, political, and culturally; not surprisingly her writing is equally concerned with exploring the margins, the intersections, the boundaries of human experience. In "The Crippled Tree", Han Suyin's treatment of the East/West relations can be divided into three major parts. First she "decolonizes" China, at least metaphorically, by exposing the role of the West and of Japan in the oppression of the Chinese people, often through the agency of the old feudal Chinese order itself, with the inevitable loss of cultural and national identity that follows such a process. In this process she explores the Chinese struggle to restore lost cultural and national dignity through the recreation of both her family history and herself. Secondly, Han Suyin reflects the Chinese history through her parents' family sagas, which stand for two very different cultures: her father's Chinese culture and her mother's Western one. She forms a very interesting comparison between the two as well as a sharp contrast at the same time, and the exchanges and the conflicts between the two cultures is an important focus throughout her work. The sagas of both her father's and her mother's families are also used by Han Suyin, the writer, to define herself even as she writes them. Writing her own version of China and her family, that is, she simultaneously writes herself.
關鍵字 East/West relationship;cultural identity;cultural exchange;cultural conflict
語言 en
ISSN 1727-7647
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

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