Text That Is Becoming: A Deleuzian Understanding of the Concept of Translation
學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-12-01
作品名稱 Text That Is Becoming: A Deleuzian Understanding of the Concept of Translation
作品名稱(其他語言) 生成中的文本:由德勒茲角度思索翻譯概念
著者 Chen, Pei-Yun
單位 淡江大學英文學系
出版者 臺北市:臺灣大學外文系
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 NTU Studies in Language and Literature 24, pp.1-24
摘要 本文藉由簡短回顧當代翻譯理論的發展,指出關於翻譯概念之思考的困境,在於無法在翻譯的上下支配結構與平行差異兩種思維之間取得任何妥協。本文以擺脫這個困境爲出發點,試圖從德勒茲差異與重覆的觀點來理解翻譯概念,同時參考德勒茲哲學中如擬象、虛擬與實在的關係、以及生成等概念。 本文的第二部份則以波赫斯的短篇故事〈吉訶德的作者皮埃爾•曼納德〉爲例,探討重覆的觀念及其與翻譯的關係。我的主要論點在於:唯有經由翻譯行動,才能確知什麼可翻譯。也就是說,翻譯使那可翻譯者展現其自身。當我們將翻譯理解爲擬象時,便不是將其視爲某既有文本的複製;應該反過來說,翻譯在實在化某虛擬文本時啓動。曼納德的翻譯,作爲最精確、最嚴謹的重覆,使一個虛擬文本動起來。虛擬文本不是既存文本,而是生成中的文本。如果翻譯的概念必然關乎翻譯行動,則任何翻譯應該促動文本展開立即而直接的行動。本文提出,擬象的創生乃是帶有肯定意味的翻譯行動,並使文本不斷生成。 This paper begins with a brief review of the development of contemporary translation theory and indicates that the impasse of the conceptual thinking about translation is situated in the impossible conciliation between hierarchical and horizontal structures of translation. Departing from this impasse, this paper suggests understanding the concept of translation in terms of Deleuze's difference and repetition, and several relevant Deleuzian concepts, such as simulacrum, the virtual-actual relation, and becoming, are also employed. The second part of this paper takes Borges's story "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" as an example to explore the notion of repetition and its connection to translation. The main argument is: what can be translated does not exist prior to its translation. Translation makes what can be translated show itself in translation. Whereas translation is understood as simulacrum, it is no longer the reproduction of a text that already existed; rather, translation is set in motion as it actualizes a virtual text. Menard's translation, the most exact, the strictest repetition, sets a virtual text in motion. Virtual text is not a text that already existed, but a text that is becoming. If translation is essentially involved with translating act, any translating act should make the text act, making it carry out immediate acts. This paper proposes that creating simulacra is an affirmative translating act that sets the text in becoming.
語言 en
ISSN 1018-3914
期刊性質 國內
收錄於 THCI Core
通訊作者 陳佩筠
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/62651 )
