Perspectives of the Taiwan Relations with Latin America in 2008
學年 96
學期 2
發表日期 2008-06-18
作品名稱 Perspectives of the Taiwan Relations with Latin America in 2008
著者 Exposito, Francisco Luis Perez
作品所屬單位 淡江大學拉丁美洲研究所
出版者 台北縣:淡江大學國際研究學院
會議名稱 2008年台灣與世界關係研討會
會議地點 臺北縣, 臺灣
摘要 Taiwan relations to Latin America are in a period of transition, due to important changes in the World, Latin America, Taiwan and China. The mortgage crisis in the United States, and the rise in oil and commodities prices are changing the international stage, creating a new distribution of economic and political power. China and many Latin American countries are changing their international status, especially those with vast energy, mineral or agricultural resources. Leftist and/or popUlist governments are sweeping the political landscape of Latin America. The victory of the former Bishop Fernando Lugo in Paraguay changes the political and diplomatic game in that country. The relations between Taiwan and China are also changing, with the arrival of president Ma Ying-jeou and its Kuomintang Government to power, in May 20. In this situation of fast transformation, Taiwan needs to reassess its priorities, and adopt a new strategy towards Latin America to maximize its benefits and minimize risks and dangers. The best way for Taiwan is to adopt a more pragmatic approach, with goals more far oriented, to tap all the economic opportunities of Latin America while keeping a number of allied nations in that area. Taipei needs to strengthen its relations with the most powerful countries in Latin America, like Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Chile, while explores new investment opportunities in countries with rich natural resources, like Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Paraguay. In the diplomatic front, the best option is to achieved a truce with China, but if this is not possible, Taiwan needs to work out a new and diversified strategic partnership with its Latin American allies, the present one is loosing validity with the economic rise of China, but there are other options with good potential to keep a number of Latin American allies, even though the fight is any time more difficult.
關鍵字 Taiwan;China;Latin America;Diplomatic Relations
語言 en
會議性質 校內
校內研討會地點 淡水校園
研討會時間 20080618~20080618
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 2008台灣與世界關係研討會論文集,10頁

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