Building a Composite Model of Business Process Management with System Development Life Cycle: An Action Research on Multiple Systems
學年 96
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2007-12-01
作品名稱 Building a Composite Model of Business Process Management with System Development Life Cycle: An Action Research on Multiple Systems
作品名稱(其他語言) 整合企業流程管理架構與系統開發方法之行動研究
著者 Shang, Shari S.-C.; 尚孝純; Wu, Ya-ling; 吳雅玲
單位 淡江大學資訊管理學系
出版者 臺北縣:淡江大學資訊管理研究所
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Journal of Information Management-Concepts, Systems, and Applications=資訊管理展望 9(2), pp.1-21
摘要 企業流程管理(BPM)的目的在將傳統管理理論的規劃、組織、協調、管理、控制等分散的思維模式加以整合並融入商業環境中,促使企業快速而有效的完成各項商業流程的設計、整合與再造。然而,這樣的架構雖有宏觀的視野,但在細部的執行規劃上卻顯不足,若無法與資訊技術資源相輔相成,這套企業作業規劃將無法實際開發並落實執行,難以達到企業流程最佳化之目的。此外,系統開發生命週期(SDLC)方法詳細規劃了系統開發目的與步驟,以確實執行系統開發與安裝,但在落實企業策略目標上卻較缺乏慎密的考量。因此,本研究提出整合二者的方法論,並使用行動研究方法,進行整合BPM架構與SDLC方法的驗證與強化。透過行動研究「偵察或觀察」、「計畫」、「行動與監看」以及「反省與評鑑」四大歷程,以螺旋循環的形式在「預支請款流程系統」、「專案管理流程系統」以及「保險契約流程系統」三種不同性質系統進行開發與安裝,反覆地測試與調整本研究之整合性方法。研究結果可以發現SDLC的嵌入,對於流程系統開 發最大的助益在於流程設計與流程實作上,提供了一個完整且實際的作法,亦加速了流程改善與系統開發的效益,使得BPM架構因SDLC嚴謹方法而落實執行。SDLC方法則在BPM架構之下較能有效支應企業目標。目前BPM的發展多止於理論發表,需要實務案例落實該方法的應用,本研究在進行三個案例的實作後,發現應可有助BPM架構與系統開發方法發展成更完善的理論實踐。 Business process management (BPM) methods are used to analyze, assess, and design business processes. Although they are praised for business alignment and adaptability, this kind of methodology is in its initial stage and has its shortcomings with regard to detailed system development and execution. On the other hand, system development life cycle (SDLC) methods, though lacking a cautious consideration of business strategies, carefully examine functional goals and provide detailed guidelines for system development and implementation. To operationalize the BPM methods and to enhance the applicability of SDLC methods at a higher business level, it would be beneficial to examine features of these two methods and propose a proper model with complementary features being incorporated. By applying action research, this study empirically validated and enhanced the proposed integrated BPM/SDLC method through detection, planning, action, and monitoring, as well as the reflection and evaluation processes. During this action research, a spiral cycle of model development, modification, and enhancement was adopted with the installation of three different kinds of systems. The research result is a composite model that elaborates upon both the BPM and SDLC methods and focuses on business process management success. Study findings reveal that the most significant benefit of the involvement of SDLC for business process management is to provide a complete and practical framework with instruments and guidelines for an executable process system.
關鍵字 企業流程管理;系統開發生命週期;行動研究;Business process management;System development life cycle;Action research
語言 en_US
ISSN 1560-4683
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

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