學年 85
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 1997-01-01
作品名稱 從中小學教師的教學札記研究分析科學─科技─社會(STS/C)教學
作品名稱(其他語言) An Examination Of Teacher Journals To Study Abnout The Science-Technology-Society/ Constructivist (STS/C) Instruction
著者 朱惠芳
單位 淡江大學師資培育中心
出版者 臺東縣:台東師範學院
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 八十五學年度師範學院教育學術論文發表會論文集 第二輯,頁34-58
摘要 One challenge in science education reform is to transform science learning into meaningful experience for all students. The Science-Technology-Society /Constructivist (STS/C) approach helps students connects science and technology to their daily lives. In this study, an analysis of teacher journals provides information concerning teacher reflective thinking on STS/C instruction. These journals were kept by 161 K-12 science teachers who attended the 1993-94 Iowa Chautauqua Program STS/C inservice sequence. The journal entries included a three week summer workshop, a five day STS/C trial, and a 20 day STS/C teaching practice.
 Qualitative research procedures were employed were employed to determine emerging categories which characterized the research question, namely, how science teachers implement STS/C instruction in their science classrooms. Three characteristics were described to indicate the findings: 1.STS/C instruction includes a motivational start, a variety of science instructional activities, technology applications, and social actions. 2.Teachers establish a rich resource network and share insights with parents, administrators, and their community. 3.Teachers incorporate authentic assessments to monitor student understanding and progress.
 The acceptance of an innovative teaching strategy does not occur quickly. However, when teachers begin to sense the impact of STS/C in their classrooms, they become willing to teach with STS/C approach. 現代民眾參與政府政策決定和研討的範圍日益廣泛,如酸雨、核能建廠、能源日趨短少等社會議題均須國民對於科學、科技有基本的了解。如果每個國民對於科學有基本素養,而可以科學的態度和方法處理與解決問題,則對個人、社會與國家的進步發展將有相當大的助益。科學-科技-社會 (STS) 教學採用建構主義的學習觀並訓練學生的科技思維,使他們參與社會的各種議題,從而學會如何解決問題。
 在本研究中,參加為期一年「科學-科技-社會 (STS) 建構主義教學在職訓練」的161位自然科教師在教學札記中寫下他們在暑期三週的教學研討會與在新學年度使用科學-科技-社會 (STS) 建構主義教學的所見所聞,並做自我省思,研究人員以質的研究方法分析老師們的教學札記來探討科學-科技-社會 (STS) 建構主義教學並得到下列結論:1. 科學-科技-社會建構主義教學包括可引起學習動機的開場、各種科學教學活動、科技的使用、和社會參與。2.教師建立了豐富的教學資源網並與家長、其他教職員、和社會人士共同分享科學-科技-社會建構主義教學的理念與教學經驗。3.教師採用時信評量以察覺使用科學-科技-社會建構主義教學時,學生的進步與了解程度。
語言 zh_TW
ISBN 9570092769

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/57037 )
