To teach or to compete? A strategic dilemma of knowledge owners in international alliances
學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-12-01
作品名稱 To teach or to compete? A strategic dilemma of knowledge owners in international alliances
作品名稱(其他語言) 教導或競爭? 國際聯盟知識擁有者的策略難題
著者 Wen, Sonya H.; Chuang, Cheng-min
單位 淡江大學企業管理學系
出版者 New York: Springer New York LLC
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Asia Pacific Journal of Management 27(4), pp.697-726
摘要 The strategic importance of learning and knowledge development in alliances has been widely recognized and discussed in literature, though focusing mainly from the view of the demand side and leaving the equally important ingredient of knowledge owners’ incentives-to-teach intact. This paper blends the perspectives of the transaction-costs economics (TCE) and the knowledge-based view (KBV) in a hypothesized governance model that illustrates how knowledge and location factors of international partners jointly impact alliance strategies. We first identify the relevant knowledge and location factors affecting incentives-to-teach in alliances, and then incorporated them into a framework explaining the choice of contractual or equity-based mode governing an alliance. Eight hypotheses are developed and then tested on a sample of 640 international alliances, with at least a partner from a focal emerging economy, Taiwan. Our research findings show that the contractual mode is usually aligned with higher incentives-to-teach of the knowledge owners, especially in knowledge-asymmetric and location-symmetric alliances. In a contrast, the equity-based mode, offering aditional safeguarding mechanisms for the knowledge owner, is often selected in the alliances associated with a severe concern of competition, especially in knowledge-symmetric and location-asymmetric alliances.
關鍵字 Knowledge-asymmetry; Location-asymmetry; International alliance; Governance-mode; Emerging economies
語言 en
ISSN 0217-4561 1572-9958
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SSCI
通訊作者 Wen, Sonya H.
國別 USA
出版型式 紙本

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