學年 98
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-01-01
作品名稱 榮耀之後-運動員職涯轉銜模式之建立
作品名稱(其他語言) An Intervention Model for Career Development-Positive Transition for Student Athletes
著者 林淑萍
單位 淡江大學教育心理與諮商研究所
描述 計畫編號:NSC99-2410-H032-078-MY2
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Student athletes are a special group in college due to their dual roles of being an athlete and a student. This dual role has complicated their career development and planning. Career development for student athletes has been a concern worldwide (e.g., Baillie & Danish, 1992; Eiche, Sedlacek, & Adams-Gaston, 1995; Wittmer, Bostic, Phukkips, and Waters, 1981). In Taiwan, the scandals of the professional baseball teams have served as a reminder that issues of career development and transition for student athletes must not be neglected. Also, the governing agencies, such as the National Science Council (2009), have begun urging for feasible and practical programs for facilitating student athletes’ career development. In answering this call, this study aims to construct a scientific intervention model throughout a program implementation to assist student athletes in their career development and transition. This is a two-year research project with both qualitative and quantitative methods being employed in order to triangulate the study. Unlike traditional research studies, this project will implement an intervention model that will be executed in a group therapy format. In the first year, the study aims to exercise the intervention model to facilitate career development and transition for student athletes. This program will focus on four different fields of intervention that have been suggested to be successful in enhancing satisfaction of career transition among student athletes (e.g., Stankvoich, & colleagues, 2001; Witter & colleagues, 1981; Wotten, 1994). The four subfields are 1) academic, 2) self concept, 3) social skills, and 4) the readiness for the career (career and life skills development). At the same time, both qualitative and quantitative methods are utilized to collect data in order to 1) investigate the needs of student athletes for their career and life development; 2) construct a more effective interventional program for student athletes; and 3) investigate relationships among factors, such as athletic identity, career image, and coping style, and how these factors in affecting career development and life satisfaction among student athletes. In the second year, it aims to investigate the effectiveness of the intervention model for the student athletes as a follow-up. Qualitative method will be employed to serve this goal. Participants will be interviewed for their feedback and thoughts for this verification. In the mean time, quantitative data will be collected to investigate if there are differences between intervention program participants and non-participant in their sense of life satisfaction and career satisfaction. In sum, the design of this career intervention model and research study aims to assist student athletes to not only succeed in their career transition, but also thrive in their future career with positive self image. 兄弟象隊簽賭風波不但對職棒運動造成傷害,也損害了整體運動員的形象。不過,這些接連不斷的簽賭事件,提醒我們國內對於運動員生涯規劃與輔導的疏忽。運動員的生涯規劃與轉銜問題,一直為國內外運動界與心理界共同探討的議題(e.g., Baillie & Danish, 1992; Yeh & Tao, 2004). 有鑑於專業職業隊運動員僧多粥少的現實 (Stankovich, Meeker, & Hendersen, 2001),各專家學者更針對大學運動員的生涯規劃問題,投入更多關懷與規劃。國家科學委員會(2009)更大力宣導徵召科學應用研究來探討與實踐對於大專運動員的生涯規劃輔導。 本研究計畫,將因應各專家與國科會的徵召,企圖建構一職涯發展與轉銜輔導模式。 該計畫為兩年期,第一年將主力進行建構20週職涯輔導團體,內容包括四個範疇:學業成就、自我概念、人際關係與社交技巧、就業力。此期間,也將利用量化與質化研究法,調查各項影響生涯規劃與發展的因素,並探究各因素之間的關連性。第二年,將著力調查該生涯輔導模式對運動員實際職涯發展規劃的效用。計畫一將以質性研究之深度訪談法對團體參與者進行訪談。計畫二將以問卷調查瞭解團體參與者與未參與者對生活與生涯滿意度的差異性。 本研究計畫旨在建立一能實際服務大專運動員的生涯發展與轉銜輔導模式,並希冀此能幫助運動員順利進入職場發揮,並提昇全人的發展性。
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/54819 )
