學年 98
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-01-01
作品名稱 高學費、高補助-大學教育消弭經濟隔離現象之作為及其對台灣學費政策之啟示
作品名稱(其他語言) High Tuition-High Financing Aid- Reflections on Higher Education’s Attempt to End Economic Segregation
著者 蓋浙生
單位 淡江大學教育政策與領導研究所
描述 計畫編號:NSC99-2410-H032-025 研究期間:201008~201107 研究經費:627,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 美國公私立大學為反映教育成本及提升品質,逐年調漲學費,影響經濟弱勢家庭子女就學機會。為消弭此一不公平的現象,聯邦與州政府以及大學紛紛推出「高學費高補助」的就學計畫,但實施結果卻發現「高學費高補助」雖然對部分家庭子女有利,但並沒有完全消弭經濟隔離現象,政府仍需要考慮其它的措施加以彌補。我國公私立大學目前雖無高學費問題,但大學學雜費標準的逐年調漲是否已造成經濟隔離現象仍有待探討,因此,我國大學教育在公平、效率及補助對象上亦有待落實與改進。 基此,本研究旨在瞭解美國大學「高學費高補助」措施之實施背景與現況,以及聯邦政府、州政府與相關單位對消弭大學經濟隔離現象之作為。本研究另一個研究重點則在探討近年來台灣公私立大學收費標準調漲後對大學生負擔能力之影響,並藉由美國經驗做為我國相關政策改進之參考。為達研究目的,本研究除透過文獻探討來蒐集整理國內外相關文獻資料外,並兼採問卷調查法。前者主要用來探討國內外大學學費政策與收費標準的改革與作法,後者則針對國內公私立大學一年級學生進行抽樣調查,瞭解大學生及其家庭之學費負擔能力,以及不同類型學校是否存在經濟隔離現象,藉此提供相關單位制定學費政策之參考。 Study on High Tuition-High Financing Aid: Reflections on Higher Education’s Attempt to End Economic Segregation and Its Implications to Taiwan American universities, public and private, have raised their tuition fees to reflect educational costs and improve quality; however, this has affected the educational opportunity for students from disadvantaged families. In order to put an end to such inequity, federal and state governments as well as higher education institutions have adopted a high tuition-high aid policy. Yet this study finds that although a high tuition-high aid policy has benefited some students, governments need to consider other options to terminate the economic segregation that still exists. Taiwan does not have a high tuition problem, but improvements need to be made regarding the equity, efficiency and distribution of financing aid. For this purpose, we need a lot of experience to avoid the mistakes and time wasting. This study surveys the process, the report, and the policy of the high tuition-high aid of higher education in US in order to further aim for the problem and the subject for suggestions. In this way, the enhancement of affordability of Taiwan’s higher education system can be realized.
關鍵字 高等教育;高學費;高補助;經濟隔離;Higher education;High tuition-high financing aid;Economic segregation
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/54688 )
