Structure of Benzo- and Dibenzocrown Ethers and Their H-Bonded Adducts. 4. Structural Motifs in the 2,4-Dithiouracil Complexes with 4-Bromo- and 4-Nitrobenzo-18-crown-6, [2.4]Dibenzo- and Thia[1.5]dibenzo-18-crown-6
學年 98
學期 1
申請日期 2009-08-01
得獎人員 王文竹 Wang, Wen-jwu
得獎論文名稱 Structure of Benzo- and Dibenzocrown Ethers and Their H-Bonded Adducts. 4. Structural Motifs in the 2,4-Dithiouracil Complexes with 4-Bromo- and 4-Nitrobenzo-18-crown-6, [2.4]Dibenzo- and Thia[1.5]dibenzo-18-crown-6
得獎等級 0
所屬類別 0
研究獎勵類別 5
發表日期 1900-01-01