學年 89
學期 2
發表日期 2001-06-08
作品名稱 以科技化學習環境落實統整課程理念
作品名稱(其他語言) Constructing Technology-Based Learning Environmnet for Empowering Curriculum Integration
著者 計惠卿; 張杏妃
作品所屬單位 淡江大學教育科技學系
出版者 桃園縣:中央大學
會議名稱 第五屆全球華人學習科技研討會暨第十屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會=The 5th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education/10th Intemational Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction
會議地點 桃園縣, 臺灣
摘要 科技的發展使得傳統的學校角色以及學習型態皆受到極大的改變,課程統整是國內跨世紀的一大教育改革活動,這樣的嶄新理念需要一個能夠孵育橫向整合、縱向連貫的最佳環境-科技化學習環境。透過科技化學習環境,學習者對知識的吸收與理解可以主動分析、思考與探索,更可延伸至終生學習的目標。本文從九年一貫統整課程的理念精髓出發,探討主動思維科技化學習環境的貢獻,並對如何建置合宜的環境提出建言,期待達成課程統整的教育質變。 It seems that traditional curricula always emphasize isolate,low-level skills, to the neglect of meaningful and high-order thinkinglearning outcomes. To help students gain a robust and in- depthlearning of knowledge, skills, and attitude within multipledisciplines, the K-9 Curriculum Integration plays a critical role inthe educational reform of Taiwan in the 20/sup th/ century. TheCurriculum Integration approach regards all content in varioussubjects as equal and bases upon active learning processes, whichsituated in real-world tasks. It is a simple but difficult goal foreducators facing this fascinating reform. The Curriculum Integrationcan benefit from technology-based learning environment when technologyis well planned, properly integrated with learning processes, andfully supporting students as they actively engage in constructing anintegrated understanding. The possible contribution oftechnology-based learning environment and the suggestion forimplementation strategies from the major parts of this paper.
關鍵字 主動學習;科技化學習環境;課程統整;教育改革;學習歷程;統整課程 ;九年一貫課程;Active Learning;Technology Based Learning Environment;Curriculum Integration;Educational Reform;Learning Process;Integrated Curriculum;Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20010608~20010610
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 開創華人網路世界:第五屆全球華人學習科技研討會暨第十屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會大會論文集=Creation Chinese cyberspace:Proceedings of The 5th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education/10th Intemational Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction,頁607-610

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/26812 )
