學年 97
學期 1
發表日期 2008-11-18
作品名稱 大學教師工作滿意度之研究
著者 許麗萍; 張家宜
作品所屬單位 淡江大學教育政策與領導研究所
出版者 中正大學
會議名稱 中華民國比較教育學會2008年會:各國高等教育:品質保證制度之發展與國際比較國際學術研討會 2008 Chinese Comparative Education Society-Taipei Annual Conference:The Development of Quality Assurance Systems of Higher Education:Comparative Perspective International Conference
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 近幾年來,高等教育的量變引起大眾對於質變的重視,各式各樣的排名及評鑑遂應時而生。高等教育的品質與績效就像其他組織一樣,興衰成敗的主要關鍵在於組織成員素質之良窳,在這種環境之下,大學教師面臨到空前的升等與評鑑壓力。而工作滿意程度會影響組織成員的工作動機及表現,因此本研究旨在探討大學專任教師工作滿意度的現況,並瞭解不同背景變項之大學教師各構面工作滿意度的差異情形。本研究透過二段抽樣(.pi.ps抽樣及系統抽樣)抽取500位教師,有效問卷335份,有效回收率66.4%。發現大學教師對「教學工作」構面最滿意,對「服務工作」最不滿意。不同「任教年資」及「教師職級」大學教師之「教學工作」滿意程度有顯著差異。不同「性別」、「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「任教年資」、「教師職級」以及「有無兼任行政職務」大學教師之「研究工作」滿意程度有顯著差異。不同「年齡」、「任教年資」、「教師職級」以及「有無兼任行政職務」大學教師之「服務工作」滿意程度有顯著差異。最後提出建議,作為各大學行政單位及教育主管機關瞭解、提升大學教師工作滿意度以及後續延伸研究之參考。 The purpose of this study is to investigate overall job satisfaction of university faculty and the difference in each dimension among faculty with different demographic backgrounds. Utilizing probability proportional to size sampling method, the study sampled 500 faculty members at 51 universities in Taiwan. A total of 335 valid samples yielded a return rate of 66.4%. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe post-hoc follow-up tests. Findings of this study are as follows: First, the overall job satisfaction of university faculty was moderately high. Among the four dimensions, they were most satisfied with "teaching", and least satisfied with "service". Second, there was a significant difference in teaching satisfaction among faculty with difference length of service, and academic rank. Third, there was a significant difference in research satisfaction among faculty with different gender, age, marital status, number of children, length of service, academic rank, and administrative duties. Fourth, there was a significant difference in service satisfaction among faculty with different age, length of service, academic rank, and administrative duties. Five, there was a significant difference in overall job satisfaction among faculty with different age, academic rank, and administrative duties. Finally, suggestions based on literature review and research conclusions were presented for universities, educational authorities and future researches.
關鍵字 大學教師;大學教師工作;工作滿意度;University faculty;Facultys' job;Job satisfaction
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20081118~20081118
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 中華民國比較教育學會2008年會:各國高等教育:品質保證制度之發展與國際比較國際學術研討會論文集=Proceedings of 2008 Chinese Comparative Education Society-Taipei Annual Conference:The Development of Quality Assurance Systems of Higher Education:Comparative Perspective International Conference,24頁

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/26401 )
