Apparatus and method for simultaneous channel and optical signal-to-noise ratio monitoring
學年 91
學期 2
專利開始日期 2003-06-14
專利結束日期 2003-06-14
作品名稱 Apparatus and method for simultaneous channel and optical signal-to-noise ratio monitoring
著者 楊淳良; Yang, Chun-liang; Lee, San-liang; Wu, Jui-ting; Yang, Ming-hsiao
單位 淡江大學電機工程學系
描述 專利國別:美國 United States Patent: 7,274,870 Application number: 10/461,626 國際分類號:H04B 10/08
摘要 An apparatus and method for simultaneous channel and optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) monitoring is adapted to function in multi-channel wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) optical communication systems. A polarization controller is sequentially adjusted to perform the sequential polarization control with an optical signal. A polarization-selective electro-optic modulator acts as a polarizer and provides a signal dithering to improve the detection sensitivity. A beam splitter splits the dithered optical signal into two clusters. A photodetector receives the first cluster and measures the OSNR. An optical element receives the second cluster and monitors the channel wavelength of multiple channels. The apparatus can be packaged into a compact module and integrated on a chip. The channel monitoring covers a wide wavelength range and is tunable. The OSNR monitoring can be accurate over a wide dynamic range.
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