學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 能耐的概念化---一個分類架構
作品名稱(其他語言) Conceptualization of Competence---Towards a Typology
著者 陳海鳴
單位 淡江大學管理科學研究所
描述 計畫編號:NSC98-2410-H032-048 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:481,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 近十多年來,能耐(competence) 概念已廣泛應用於心理學、管理學、教育學與行 政管理學等領域。然而,能耐概念於管理學領域的發展一直以來處於模糊的狀態,如: 美、英學派對於能耐定義有何不同?能耐為個人或組織所特有?屬於個人或組織層 次?能耐本質定位不清使得其概念的發展產生阻礙,因此本研究藉由歸納不同學派觀 點建立能耐形成架構以澄清上述概念發展的問題,且將能耐定位為-員工與組織交互 作用下的產物,有助於組織持續性競爭優勢的發展。 關於能耐的分類,此部分研究亦處於混沌不明的狀態。過去學者大都立基於傳統 美、英學派與顯、隱性二元論觀點分析能耐概念,然而此類方式著重於個人層次的探 討,缺乏與組織情境的連結;亦或有學者提出能耐具有跨產業、組織與個人層次的觀 點,但並未深入探究層次間關係。因此,本計劃將進一步探討以個人與組織層次為基 礎的情境性能耐分類架構。 能耐分類架構乃立基於能耐形成架構,將能耐分類為四類:工作基礎能耐(job-based competence)、個人基礎能耐(person-based competence)、未來基礎能耐(future-based competence)與價值基礎能耐(value-based competence)。此分類架構能有效結合先前不同 觀點的研究作一綜合性分類。接下來,本計劃將對此架構中每一分類建立指標,並針 對導入能耐概念於人力資源實務之公司進行個案研究,以驗證此架構並提供建議。 In recent ten years, the competence concept has attracted the psychologists, managers, educationists and politicians. However, the competence concept has been perceived as a “fuzzy concept” with debates of the US and UK schools’ definitions, person- or firm-specificity, and micro- or macro-level. These unclear areas inhibit the development of concept, and so we establish the competence framework by integrating scholars’ insights to clarifying the essence of competence as the product of the interaction between individuals and organizations and being helpful organizations’ sustained competitive advantage. The studies regarding the classification of competence also suffer many quandaries. As scholars addressed individual competence from the US and UK schools’ perspective and the dualism of visible and hidden competence, they focused on individual level without the effect of organizational context. Some other scholars proposed the cross-level aspect of competence among industry, organization and individual; however, they didn’t look into the relationships between these levels. So, this project will address the development of competence typology within the interactive context between individual and organization. Based on the competence framework, the competence typology is thus created which subsumes job-based competence, person-based competence, future-based competence and value-based competence. The competence typology comprehensively integrates a variety of aspects from the previous researches. In the next step, this project will set up the indexes in each competence of this typology, and conduct a case study for verifying the competence typology and give theoretical and practical suggestion.

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/46975 )
