學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 中國古代中之情感
作品名稱(其他語言) Emotions in Ancient China
著者 施維禮
單位 淡江大學多元文化與語言學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC98-2410-H032-057 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:185,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 本研究計畫是吾人針對中國傳統文化中「情感」研究之長期計畫的第一個實驗性質嘗 試。計畫目的乃在了解中國傳統文化中對情感的界定以及情感所扮演的角色。首先,將 對《荀子》與《莊子》兩本書中對情感的探討與界定作深入討論。透過這兩本書對情感 的認定,將能理解傳統中國哲學家對情感問題的特殊處理方式。本研究能對早期中國哲 學就情感的認識提供直接新的見解。在這個基礎上,我們可以進一步探討中國哲學在不 同時期中對情感的認知,並在如是理解上得與不同文化傳統對情感之認定作一對比與對 話。本研究預期與國內、國外的學者密切合作。在國內將以讀書會與研討會的方式進行 對話,在國外會持續與義大利漢學家Paolo Santangelo 的研究團隊合作。為「情感」此 一議題,提予中國哲學界思索一個全新的面象 This project is planned as part of a long term research project on emotions in ancient China. The goal is to understand more fully the concept and role of emotions in ancient Chinese culture. At this first stage the discussion and conceptualization of emotions in the Zhuangzi and the Xunzi will be treated as a basis for further research. Focusing on the different levels at which the discussion of emotions plays a role in the two texts will reveal the scope of the discussion of emotions in the Warring States period; focusing on the conceptualization of emotions will enable us to understand the specific ways ancient Chinese thinkers tackled the question of emotions. This research project thus directly contributes to the understanding of the role and conceptualization of emotions in the formative period of Chinese civilization and enables us to get a clearer understanding of the different attitudes towards emotions within Chinese civilization in general. Furthermore it contributes to a intercultural dialogue on emotions in the humanities. A close cooperation on a national level in Taiwan is planned and the continuation of the ongoing cooperation with the international research group on emotions in Asia led by the Italian sinologist Paolo Santangelo is envisaged.

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