學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 圖示理論於西班牙文本教學之應用研究
作品名稱(其他語言) Application Research of Schema Theory on Spanish Discourse Teaching
著者 裴兆璞; 張茂椿
單位 淡江大學西班牙語文學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC98-2410-H032-066 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:416,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 本研究目的在探討利用圖示理論(Schema Theory) (亦稱之為基模理論)於西 班牙語文本教學之應用。然文本教學包含閱讀(輸入)及寫作(輸出)兩方面,惟本 計畫首重於文本分析。研究設計採取圖像化教學模式,研究對象為淡江大學西班 牙語文學系三年級之學生,研究者擬針對研究對象進行為期一學期(981)之作文 課程實驗。本研究主要採質、量並重的研究方法,研究工具包含:圖像化學習之 教材(如概念圖、心智圖)、合作學習模式、定期寫作評量表、圖像化教學後之問 卷調查、研究者與學習者間的心得交流、學習者課堂札記、學習者概念圖或心智 圖及研究者文獻參考。為進一步理解基模理論實際應用於寫作教學上,故透過圖 像化學習之媒介以激發學習者腦內基模,即內容基模(Content Schema)與語言基 模(Language Schema),協助建立學習者理解力,進而提昇學習者在西語寫作創造 力的效率及質量。 Application Research of Schema Theory on Spanish Discourse Teaching 【Abstract】 The main aim of this study researches the application of Schema Theory for Spanish discourse teaching. Taking into account the born difficulty that Spanish teachers and students face on their daily endevour, having to handle with a language which is not their native one, and yet to strive with it in a strange land to the Language of Cervantes. First, we introduce the relation between the Schema Theory and the second language learning; that is to say, we look into the relations between the Content Schema, the Language Schema and the learning development of Spanish language. The Content Schema is the learner’s knowledge of the meaning of the word and the background of the culture. The Language Schema is the knowledge of the language such as the vocabulary, the phrase, the grammar, the construction, the paragraph, the section, the structure of the article and the general custom using. The language is bothe the base and the medium of the information, thus, the failure and lack of the knowledge of language will surely influence and obstruct the reading skill. There are many learners encountered; usually, the following difficult during reading the foreign books: the learners know all the words of the article, but do not understand the meaning of the content. It revealed that the learners lack for the thing is related to the base knowledge and they are not familiar with the theme, so they can not open the information schema of the brain; that is to say, they have the Language Schema, but no all the necessary Content Schema. Therefore when the learners study Spanish as a second language, they have to not only learn enough Language Schema, but also expand their Content Schema, which can strengthen their reading skill. This humble research project aims to promote the learners’ reading skill in Spanish by means of Schema Theory, applying visualization teaching strategies, and would like to contribute itself with a comparative study of the output differences.
關鍵字 圖示理論 (基模理論); 西班牙文本教學; 視覺化教學策略; 圖文並茂; Schema Theory; Discourse Teaching; Visualization TeachingStrategies; Visualizing text

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/46869 )
