學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 西文廣告用語之教學應用研究---運用「概念圖」提升學生學習效果(Ⅱ)
作品名稱(其他語言) Teaching Application Research Using Advertisements with Brand Names and Concept Maps to Enhance (II)
著者 張茂椿; 裴兆璞
單位 淡江大學西班牙語文學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC98-2410-H032-065 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:593,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 本為期兩年之研究乃97 年度國科會專案研究計畫「西文廣告用語之教學應 用研究:運用「概念圖」提升學生學習效果」之延續。透過主持人在淡江大學 97 學年度共同科開設「從廣告中學西語」此課程,累積研究成果顯示運用「概 念圖」倡導創新西語教學已成功踏出第一步,並大有可為。 本研究主旨為持續提升學生學習效果。經由含有可特別設定語義關連性之 「概念圖」(此乃本延續性計劃之主軸與特色;將新知與舊識作活性結合),規劃 而結合眾多衍生自相關汎西文廣告用語的單字、力圖創造有利活學活用之環境, 引導學習者腦力激盪、主動思考,進而產生聯想、甚而合作學習。 基礎教學策略在於引導學習者經由「概念圖」,從出發「點」(簡單且易懂的 商標關鍵單字) 啟發主動思考、依循教學目標所特別設定語義關連性主題,進而 聯想產生相關多重中繼「點」(片語)、末了抵達充滿想像力的終「點」(視主題 教學可能是一個耳熟能詳的短句,甚或中西著名諺語)。計劃第一年注重詞彙主 動學習力之廣化;第二年側重構詞表達能力之深化。期間並規劃將科技導入教學 工作坊,運用電腦繪製「概念圖」並逐步將之數位典藏。主持人深信透過本教學 應用研究,定能提升學習效果,為倡導西語創新教學發展作出貢獻。 This research aim to continue the project started in 2008 “The Application of Instruction through Spanish Advertisement: Promoting Student’s Learning Effects by Using Concept Maps.” As of today, achievements in creating the new Spanish instruction through the concept map in the class “Learning Spanish through Advertisement” at Tamkang University, have been quite successful. This research aim to combine Spanish vocabularies from brands and guide learners to do brain-storming, active-thinking, create association and collaborative learning. The basic teaching strategy guides learners to do active-thinking through the start “points” (the easy keywords of brands), then associate various middle “points” (the phrases); and the last, arrive at the imaginative terminal “points” (the famous short sentences or adages.) In addition to plays the traditional role for building up students’ learning, teacher can play the role of leaders in order to inspire students’ thinking. For this reason, we attached great importance to the process and the result during teaching. Teacher can check the learning steps and guide the correct way through assistants’ help in order to improve the exactitude and effect of learning. Initial result in the practical instruction has been, so far so good.
關鍵字 創新西語教學; 概念圖; 教學策略; 合作學習; 從廣告中學西語; Innovative Spanish Learning; Concept Maps; Teaching Strategy; Collaborative Learning; Learning Spanish through Advertisement

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/46871 )
