Size dependence of the electronic structures and electron-phonon coupling in ZnO quantum dots
學年 96
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2007-12-01
作品名稱 Size dependence of the electronic structures and electron-phonon coupling in ZnO quantum dots
著者 Ray, S. C.; Low, Y.; Tsai, H. M.; Pao, C. W.; Chiou, J. W.; Yang, S. C.; Chien, F. Z.; Pong, W. F.; Tsai, M.-H.; Lin, K. F.; Cheng, H. M.; Hsieh, W. F.; Lee, J. F.
單位 淡江大學物理學系
出版者 College Park: American Institute of Physics (AIP)
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Applied Physics Letters 91(26), pp.262101(3 pages)
摘要 The electronic structures and optical properties of various sizes of ZnO quantum dots (QDs) were studied using x-ray absorption, photoluminescence, and Raman spectroscopy. The increase in the intensity ratio of the second-order Raman spectra of longitudinal optical mode and its fundamental mode, which is related to the strength of the electron-phonon coupling (EPC), is found to increase with the size of QD. The trend of EPC also correlates with the increase of the intensity ratio of the O 2pπ (Iπ) and 2pσ (Iσ) orbital features in the O K-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) as the size of QD increases. The EPC and XANES results suggest that the crystal orientations of ZnO QDs are approximately aligned with the c axis parallel with the polarization of x-ray photons.
關鍵字 crystal orientation; electron-phonon interactions; II-VI semiconductors; photoluminescence; Raman spectra; semiconductor quantum dots; wide band gap semiconductors; XANES
語言 en
ISSN 0003-6951
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
產學合作 國內
國別 USA
出版型式 紙本

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