學年 94
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2005-11-01
作品名稱 「公務人員持用國民旅遊卡」政策成效之探討
著者 陳恆鈞; 許文壽
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 嘉義縣:研習論壇月刊社
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 研習論壇 60,頁 8-22
摘要 公務人員休假制度的實施,其基本目的在於維持公部門高水準之公務人力,提升公務員工作效率,及其紓解工作壓力,期能創造較佳之生活品質。公私部門均十分重視此一員工權益事項,且建置及採行休假制度加以落實。惟因公務人員未實施休假者得以核發未休假加班費者眾,因此,民國八十五年七月一日起制度即有變革,公務人員於實施休假從事國內外旅遊時,即可核發休假補助,時至民國九十二年一月一日起則開始推動公務人員強制休假補助改以持用國民旅遊卡方式辦理,該制度將休假補助由原來檢據核銷方式改為以國民旅遊卡相關機制來辦理,政策實施後由於係屬首創之制度,且另有相對之限制條件,與部分公務人員的期待相違,引致朝野諸多討論,一度成為全國性的討論議題,眾所矚目。 本文主要在探討「公務人員持用國民旅遊卡」政策成效的評估。本文以推動本項政策主要政策規劃機關及政策實際執行機關的相關承辦官員為研究調查對象,就以上政策利益關係人(Stakeholders)對本項制度的意見表達所獲結果,配合效能性(effectiveness)、回應性(responsiveness)、適當性(appropriateness)、完備性(completeness)及可行性(feasibility)等五項評估指標進行研析,以瞭解其影響及衍生的問題。 本文之主要研究目的有二:一、針對政策實施的成效進行剖析,研議調整政策之相關配套措施;二、藉由回溯性過程評估研析結果,研提檢討政策之執行改進建議。因此,本文係針對「公務人員持用國民旅遊卡」政策,從政策評估的角度著眼,就該政策之制定,執行過程及結果進行研究評估,並瞭解公務人員對於現行國民旅遊卡制度與相關配套措施執行的看法,以發現推動政策遭遇之困難及問題,並提出解決之道。總結本研究問題焦點將聚焦在以下議題的探討與評估: 一、政策實施後所遭遇之困難與問題為何?政府執行中有何因應措施? 二、政策實施成效如何?未來政策修正可行之道為何? 由於該項政策至今仍賡續推動,如能就其推動成效進行研究,進而提出修正建議,對後續政策執行將有所助益,亦可消弭各界對該項政策的批評。對於本項政策成效評估所獲之建議,期能成為政府部門嗣後推動相關公共政策、制訂各項政策措施之參考。 The purpose to set out entitlement leaves of civil servants aims at improving the physical conditions, enhancing efficiency and performance, and promoting life quality. Therefore, it is precious for them to take some days off in a year, to enjoy their vacation and to have some time to relax. Both private and public sectors concern about leave system very much since it is important for employees' rights. Many civil servants who didn’t take entitled leave got overtime pay, which was in doubt by many people. From July 1st, 1996, civil servants were remunerated with subsidy from government if they didn’t take entitled leave. In the beginning of January 2003 saw the introduction of a new “Citizen’ Travel Card Measures”, which civil servants will get subsidy by citizen’ travel card mechanism rather than by receipt. This is an originated system on the annual leave regulation of civil servants. This controversial issue caused intensively discussion because of different expectations. This research intends to explore and evaluate the policy outcomes of citizen’ travel card measures. This paper mainly takes the officials from institutions of policy planning and implementation as investigation object; in other words, they are stakeholders on this policy. The criteria of policy evaluation set up in this paper include effectiveness, responsiveness, appropriateness, completeness and feasibility. There are two purposes of this research. One is to carry on the analysis in view of the policy implementation result, and amend policy in accordance with policy appraisal. The other is to make positive suggestion of the policy by getting the results from retrospective policy evaluation. With regard to citizen’ travel card measure, it is intended to analyze the policy formulation, policy implementation and policy outcomes. The strength and the weakness of policy implementation will be explored as well. In conclusion, this research will focus on the following issues: 1. What are the difficulties on implementing the policy? Can government do anything about these difficulties? 2. What are policy outcomes and performances? How to amend the policy or regulation? It will be good for the policy on continuous implementation and also eliminates some criticism from all walks of life to this policy. This paper intends to provide suggestions on this policy and some references for the other public policies.
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1683-5220
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

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