學年 93
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2004-12-01
作品名稱 大學生“網路自我效能感”與學習動機特質:以“文化與心理健康”通識課程為例
作品名稱(其他語言) Internet self-efficacy and Learning Motivational Characteristics in College Students: A Case Study of a General Course of Culture and Mental Health in Tamkang University
著者 宋鴻燕; Sung, Hung-yeh Angela
單位 淡江大學通識與核心課程中心
出版者 清華大學通識教育中心; 中華民國通識教育學會臺大共同教育委員會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 通識教育11(4),頁23-43
摘要 網路自我效能感」與學習成果之間的關係一直是重要的研究議題,大學生首次參與自我引導的線上學習方式,學習動機特質亦可能成為完成課程要求的關鍵性角色。本研究藉由淡江大學通識課程「文化與心理健康」為例,探討學習者「網路自我效能感」、學習動機與學習成果之間的關係。二十位大學生參與課程與研究,在學期開始與結束時,填寫個人自評量表提供「網路自我效能感」與學習動機特質的反應。研究結果發現,雖然學習者的「網路自我效能感」在歷經一個學期的線上學習之後出現些微的滑落,但是學期後期的「網路自我效能感」卻比較能夠預測學習成果。雖然學習者的「網路自我效能感」預測學習成果的程度不強,但是顯示出性別與年級出現類似的改變形態,也就是說,女大學生和三年級生的「網路自我效能感」在歷經一個學期之後,滑落的現象較為明顯。ARCS動機模式預測學習成果時,其中的「注意力」與「自信心」兩個面向在預測成績時呈現不同的方向,學習者的「自信心」在學習過程中扮演的角色值得再加以探討,受限於樣本與研究發現,建議未來針對網路學習者的社會人格心理特質與學習情境對線上學習的影響。 An important issue of Internet self-efficacy related to learning performance has been emphasized currently. For college students who attended to a first-time offered online learning, their learning motivational characteristics were expected to play as a critical role to complete the course in a fashion of self-directed instruction. In this present study, the relationships between Internet self-efficacy and learning motivational characteristics were examined in relation to students' learning performance. Participants were 20 college students who fulfilled the class requirements. Data for Internet self-efficacy and learning motivational characteristics were collected by self-reported questionnaires in the beginning of and at the end of the semester. The results showed that Internet self-efficacy measured at the end of the semester was lower that that measured at the onset of the semester, with the former was predictive of learning performance tentatively. Although Internet self-efficacy was not as influential as expected, similar patterns were found in student's gender and the school year of as well. That is, Internet self-efficacy of females and juniors has been reduced downward to a significant level. In the meantime, with regarding to the ARCS model, motivational characteristics of the attention and confidence categories derived from the model were predictive of learning performance in opposite directions. Internet self-efficacy, learning motivational characteristics as well as other important determinants for the success in online learning tend to be explored further in the following studies. In the future, personal factors and situational factors need to be identified. Limitations and suggestions were discussed for later research.
關鍵字 自信心; 網路自我效能感; ARCS動機模式; 大學生; 自我引導學習; self-confidence; internet self-efficacy; course interest; ARCS model of motivation; college students; self-directed learning
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1024-4964

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/26049 )
