學年 | 110 |
學期 | 2 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2022-07-31 |
作品名稱 | 環境意識、旅運行為與永續轉型:過去、現在與未來 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Environmental Awareness, Travel Behavior, and Sustainability Transition: Past, Present, and Future |
著者 | 許心萍 |
單位 | |
描述 | |
委託單位 | 科技部補助專題研究計畫成果報告 |
摘要 | 氣候變遷是當前人類所面臨最嚴峻迫切的生存威脅,而人類社會的巨幅轉型是唯一的解決之道,台灣也無法自外於這些挑戰。就運輸部門而言,目前台灣民眾的日常旅運行為仍然依賴傳統燃油汽機車作為主要運具,公共運輸與電動汽機車的占比偏低;因此,若欲達成永續運輸的目標,除了相關政策工具與配套措施的持續推動之外,民眾自身的環境意識與改變意願也將扮演關鍵角色。在此脈絡背景之下,本研究將以2010年與2020年兩次台灣社會變遷基本調查的環境組主題問卷資料作為分析對象,一方面透過兩次調查中的重複問項,利用差異中之差異法檢視過去十年間台灣居民環境意識與旅運行為的變遷趨勢,並且釐清出生世代效應與生命歷程效應對於前述變化的影響程度;一方面透過2020年調查中的新增問項,利用各種類別應變數的迴歸模式檢視未來五年內台灣居民以電動汽機車取代燃油汽機車的意願高低與影響因素,以及早期採用者與潛在購買者的社經背景、環保態度與居住環境特性。研究結果將可用於針對不同人生階段與態度偏好的族群研擬合適的環境教育宣導與運輸服務方案,以有效刺激其環境意識的提升與旅運行為的改變,加速達成運輸系統的永續轉型。 Climate change is the most urgent threat to human existence and transitions to sustainability is the only solution. In Taiwan, conventional internal combustion engine vehicles are the predominant travel mode for daily activities. The mode shares of public transit and electric vehicles are low. Therefore, keys to success for policies promoting sustainable transportation lie in environmental awareness and willingness to change travel behavior. In this context, I plan to analyze data from the 2010 and 2020 Taiwan Social Change Survey: Environment. Difference in differences statistical technique will be used to examine whether changes in environmental awareness and travel behavior over the past decade are influenced by birth cohort and life course effects. Regression models for categorical dependent variables will be used to examine whether willingness to purchase electric vehicles over the next five years is influenced by socio-demographic, attitudinal, and built environment characteristics. The findings could be used to tailor environmental education campaigns and transportation service options for enhancing environmental awareness, stimulating modal shifts, and accelerating transitions to sustainable transportation. |
關鍵字 | 環境意識;旅運行為;出生世代;生命歷程;電動汽機車;早期採用者;潛在購買者;差異中之差異法;類別應變數之迴歸模式;environmental awareness; travel behavior; birth cohort; life course; electric cars and motorcycles; early adopters; potential buyers; difference in differences; regression models for categorical dependent variables |
語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/123955 ) |