
學年 107
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2019-06-12
作品名稱 Control of Solvent-Based Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Process with Optimal Operation Conditions
著者 Yih-Hang Chen; Ming-Tien Shen; Hsuan Chang; Chii-Dong Ho
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Processes 7(6), p.366-385
摘要 Solvent-based post-combustion carbon capture (PCC) is a mature and essential technology to solve the global warming problem. The high energy consuming issue and the flexible operation required by the power plants inquire about the development of effective control systems for PCC plants. This study proposes the optimal-based control approach that utilizes optimal set-point values for the quality controllers. The five optimal-based control schemes studied all employed L/G (liquid to gas ratio in absorber) as one quality control variable. Performance comparisons with a typical conventional control scheme are conducted employing a rate-based dynamic model for the MEA (monoethanolamine) solvent PCC process developed on a commercial process simulator. Compared to the typical control scheme, the optimal-based control schemes provide faster responses to the disturbance changes from the flue gas conditions and the set-point change of the CO2 capture efficiency, as well as better results in terms of IAEs (integral of absolute errors) of capture efficiency and reboiler heat duty during the stabilization period. LG-Tstr and LG-Tabs-Cascade are the best schemes. In addition to L/G, these two schemes employ the control of Tstr (the temperature of a stage of stripper) and a cascade control of Tabs (the temperature of a stage of absorber) (outer loop) and Tstr (inner loop), respectively.
關鍵字 post-combustion;solvent-based carbon capture;process control;rate-based model;Aspen Custom Modeler
語言 en_US
ISSN 2227-9717
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI EI
國別 CHE
出版型式 ,電子版

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/116998 )