
學年 100
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2012-04-01
作品名稱 提升水量計功能強化用水管理之育成計畫
著者 劉世翔; 仇士愷; 康世芳; 謝明凱; 徐嘉聲; 蘇騰鋐; 廖庭宇; 王鵬瑞; 俞仲豪
單位 淡江大學水資源管理與政策研究中心
描述 計畫編號:MOEAWRA1010225
委託單位 經濟部水利署
摘要 有鑑於台灣存在自然條件不利於蓄水及漏水率偏高等問題,如何進行有效水資源利用,即為當前政府之首要任務。而準確計量乃水資源管理的第一步,水量計之運用及其附加功能對於水資源管理而言,具有相當之助益,是以諸如以色列、美國、中國大陸等國家已於部分城市試推行智慧型水表,除可提升自來水事業單位水費收取之效率,用戶更可透過智慧型水表了解用水情形,進而達成節約用水的效果,而自來水公司亦可透過水量計之附加功能,分析可能漏水位置及漏水量,進而助減少漏水率。
 本計畫在國內以往研究成果之基礎上,引進國外歐美日等先進國家之各型式高準確度水量計量與裝置技術及管理模式,並進行智慧型水量計可行性分析及召開推廣說明會。另一方面,亦進行現地測試及用戶滿意度調查。祈藉由評估水量計設備功能提升後,於公共給水效率及管理之效益,研擬策略方案作為國內未來提升水量計設備功能之可行措施參考依據,以有效控制供水系統之漏水率問題。 In Taiwan, due to unfavorable geological formation and other constraints, the financial and environmental costs of developing new large-scale water storage reservoirs have become prohibitive. Therefore, water resources management will need to rely on demand management and the reduction of water leakage in order to meet future water needs. 
 At the taps or end points of the water distribution, accurate metering of and instant reporting of water use would enable water utilities to adjust water delivery in accordance with short-term fluctuations in demand. Such would prevent excessive water pressure in the distribution networks and thus reduce water leakage. At the same time, when water users can monitor their water usage and accruement in water usage fees in real time, there are greater incentives for them to reduce water wastage and increase water use efficiency. In addition, real-time monitoring of water flow at different points of the distribution networks would allow water utilities to quickly find sites of water leakage and focus maintenance activities there, and thus increase the cost-effectiveness of leakage control. For the above reasons, countries such as the Israel, the United States, and the Democratic Republic of China have all begun to promote smart water metering technology.
 This main objective of this project is to introduce and promote appropriate smart water metering technologies in Taiwan. The project is to first research the related projects and technologies that have been developed in Europe, United States, and Japan for potential applications in Taiwan, and then organize an exhibition where the manufactures are invited to show-case their smart water metering products to the public utilities and researchers in Taiwan. Following the exhibition, the feasibility of introducing a particular product would be assessed through field testing at various locations, and thereafter a survey of the users’ satisfaction with the particular product would be conducted. A promotional strategy for new smart metering technologies would then be drawn based on the field testing results, the users’ satisfaction survey, as well as on a extensive literature review of related studies that in the past have been completed in Taiwan.
關鍵字 水量計; 自動讀表系統; 先進讀表基礎建設; water meter; automated meter reading; advanced metering infrastructure
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103170 )
