
學年 101
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2013-05-01
作品名稱 校長的學習領導:領導與踐行能力發展的初探
作品名稱(其他語言) Principal Leadership for Learning: A Study of Leadership Practices and Curriculum Development
著者 陳佩英; 潘慧玲
單位 淡江大學教育政策與領導研究所
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 教育研究月刊=Journal of Education Research 229,頁50-70
摘要 新世紀教育要求學校持續改善,以提升學生學習表現和培養學生帶得走的能力。學校革新除仰賴個體不斷精進外,也須藉由校長領導帶領學校成員共同努力達成組織學習與創新。因此,即使在強調權力下放的決策參與下,以提升教學和學習效果的校長領導,仍具不可取代的重要性,且校長須致力於專業成長,以回應新世紀教改的挑戰。本文在目前教改脈絡中,特以學習為焦點探討校長領導,首先,分析校長學習領導(leadership for learning)之意涵與踐行;其次,以學習領導為主題,發展合乎在地文化的校長增能課程;藉由文獻分析、焦點座談和深度訪談,釐清新世紀校長專業領導所需具備之知能,參照需求評估結果,研訂及實作校長增能課程;續之進行成效評估,並提出未來課程修訂建議。 Schools need to be improved sustainably to advance student achievement in this new era. In addition to the efforts made by the individuals, school members, led by the principal, working together for organizational learning and innovation is essentially significant. Although shared decision-making is stressed under the policy of decentralization, the role of principal in enhancing teaching and learning is irreplaceable. This paper discussed principal leadership with the focus of learning in the current context of education reforms. The concept and practices of principal leadership for learning was firstly analyzed. Secondly, culturally sensitive curriculum to empower principals was designed. Literature analysis, focus group and in-depth interview were employed to identify principal’s competence, followed by needs assessment of leadership as a reference source to develop the professional development curriculum for principals. Finally, suggestions for curriculum revision were provided based on evaluation of the training workshops.
關鍵字 學習領導; 校長領導; 增能課程; leadership for learning; principal leadership; empowering curriculum
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1680-6360
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/89188 )
