
學年 98
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-10-01
作品名稱 公務員協力能力的建立與策略契合
作品名稱(其他語言) Capacity-Building and Strategy: Aligning of Collaboration for Civil Service
著者 陳志瑋; Chen, Chih-wei
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 考試院
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 文官制度季刊 1(4),頁137-164
摘要 我國行政機關推動策略性人力資源管理,目前還在起步與試行 階段,因此在這項管理作為上猶有許多可以介入與改進的空間。為 因應此過程,本文分析:在當前跨域治理的需求與趨勢下,公部門 有必要透過制度規範和行為誘因,建立機關成員的協力能力,以協 助達成組織的策略目標,並對各種跨域問題或府際關係的處理,能 因應外部環境的挑戰。因此,公務員的協力能力有必要連結組織策 略管理過程,以建立策略契合的關係。 本文採用文獻分析法,耙梳並分析有關論述,發現:公務員協 力能力乃是策略能力的一環,需以達成組織的策略目標為原則,除 可強化組織的人力資本、結構資本與關係資本外,亦可因應外部環 境變遷的挑戰。為建立協力能力,領導角色轉變、員工參與策略, 以及組織資源整合,都是需要配合的前提條件。為建立協力能力, 訓練和學習為其主要途徑,與使命、願景、價值、目標、利害關係人和課責等六個領域進行連結,促使策略性人力資源管理的架構, 得能和組織的整體發展充分契合。 本文結論指出:協力能力不是高層管理者所專屬,而應該普及 到所有階層的組織員工。其次,組織在建立協力能力的同時,也應 在法制上充實策略性人力資源管理的內涵,以免無法達到策略契合 的目標。 Since Taiwan is just beginning to promote strategic public human resources management, there are lots of management practices for us to improve its quality. The purpose of this article is to research the necessity of collaborative capability building for the civil service with documental analysis, since they have to deal with more and more cross-boundary issues or issues of intergovernmental relations. To increase public organization capacity, this paper takes collaboration capability as a strategic issue, and argues that it has to be aligned into strategic management process, that is, the strategic alignment. As a result, the strategic public human resource management can be realized, and more attention can be paid to the strategic management in public sector. This paper takes collaborative capability as a vital strategic capacity. Then, the paper discusses the conditions and approaches of collaborative capability building. Finally, this article argues that collaboration capability should be aligned to missions, visions, values, goals, stakeholders, and accountability of public organizations, and that strategic capability of collaboration is not exclusive to top management, but involves all echelons of public organizations. This article concludes that legislations of public strategic human resources management should be emphasized so that the goals of strategic alignment could be achieved.
關鍵字 協力能力;策略契合;策略性公共人力資源管理;collaboration capability;strategic alignment;strategic public human resource management
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2073-9214
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/77576 )
