學年 | 100 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2011-08-01 |
作品名稱 | 合作式感知無線網路之先進技術研究-子計畫四:合作式感知無線網路之應用與服務研究 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Advanced Research of Applications &Amp; Services for Cooperative Cognitive Wireless Networks |
著者 | 張志勇 |
單位 | 淡江大學資訊工程學系 |
描述 | 計畫編號:NSC100-2221-E032-015-MY3
 研究經費:816,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | This project is the fourth sub-project of a 3-year integrated project aiming at developing cognitive radio technologies and cooperative mechanisms. Based upon the available bandwidth resource exploited by applying the cognitive radio technologies, this subproject will develop monitoring and tracking mechanisms in the wildlife park where a wireless sensor network(WSN) and a visual sensor network (VSN) have been deployed. Since the available bandwidth exploited by applying the cognitive radio technologies is changed with time, one challenge of this sub-project is how to make a good use of the available bandwidth for camera sensor node to transmit the animals’ video such that the animals’ monitoring and tracking are quality guaranteed. Another challenge of this sub-project is how sensor nodes and camera nodes can cooperatively work together to detect, monitor as well as track the wild animals. In the first year, this sub-project will develop the monitoring approaches for the WSNs and VSNs based on the available bandwidth exploited by applying the cognitive radio techniques. In the second year, this sub-project will take into consideration the animals’ mobility and aim to develop cooperative tracking mechanisms for the WSNs and VSNs. In the last year, the energy conservation issue in the WSNs and the load balance issue in the VSNs will be investigated. In addition to the theoretical study, the cognitive radio techniques will be implemented in the real testbed and the monitoring and tracking mechanisms developed in the sensor node and camera node will be implemented. Herein, we would like to notice that although this sub-project belongs to the application layer from the cognitive radio and cooperative technique points of view, however, it covers several research issues with technical-depth since the parameters of cognitive radio techniques and cooperative mechanisms have been considered in the monitoring and tracking problems in the WSNs and VSNs. The issues investigated in this sub-project are novel and innovative as compared with the traditional object monitoring and tracking issues. 隨著電腦科技及網路技術的進步,使用者對資訊的表現方式,已從傳統的資料 及圖片,漸漸提昇為影像內容,對於監控及追蹤的應用而言,使用者已從單純的目 標物移動路徑漸漸地關心移動中目標物的影像。因此,無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSNs)與視覺感測網路(Visual Sensor Network, VSNs)的結合在近 年來已漸漸受到研究學者們的重視。有鑒於兩種網路的搭配需要大量的頻寬來傳送 感測及影像資料,因此,如何利用感知無線 (Cognitive Radio, CR)及協同合作 (Cooperative)技術改善頻寬不足的問題,將是本計畫擬探討的重要議題。 本計畫為子計畫四,其主要的目的在探討 Cognitive Radio 及Cooperative 技術 在應用層的研究議題。在第一年的計畫中,本子計畫將基於Cognitive Radio 所開 發的可用頻帶,解決WSNs 及VSNs 這兩種網路對環境與動物監控所遭遇頻寬不足 的問題。在第二年的計畫中,基於Cognitive Radio 所開發的可用頻帶,本子計畫 擬解決WSNs 及VSNs 的動物追蹤的問題。由於監控中的動物可能具移動性,因此, 第二年計畫所考慮的追蹤問題將較第一年計畫所考慮的監控問題更為複雜。此外, 本子計畫第二年亦納入協同合作的技術研發,以解決動物移動性所產生的換手問 題。最後,在第三年的計畫中,本子計畫主要在WSNs 及VSNs 兩種網路中探討與 電量相關的研究議題。在WSNs 的環境中,我們將探討,當Cognitive Radio 及 Cooperative 技術融入後的醒睡議題,藉以延長WSNs 的生命期;而在VSNs 的環 境中,子計畫四將探討如何使各個Camera Node 的工作負載量能夠平衡,以維持攝 影器材的平均壽命。除了研發議題外,我們也在每一年的計畫中規畫實作工作項 目,將研發成果實現於感測器平台、視覺感測器平台及感知無線平台。 本子計畫雖對 Cognitive Radio 及Cooperative 這兩種技術在網路層次上的分類 為應用層,但其在WSNs 及VSNs 上的研發卻涵蓋許多深入的研究議題。此外,由 於Cognitive Radio 及Cooperative 技術的介入,使本子計畫對監控與追蹤之議題探 討產生許多新的議題與挑戰,相較於傳統在WSNs 及VSNs 網路中討論的監控與追 蹤議題,更具前瞻性與創新性。 |
關鍵字 | WVSN; k-邊界覆蓋; 無線感測網路; Wireless sensor networks; cognitive radio networks; visual sensor network; monitoring; tracking |
語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76345 ) |