
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 1 Skew normal distribution and the design of control charts for averages 2011-06-09
097 / 1 Alternative estimation procedure in SPC when the process data are correlated 2011-06-09
094 / 1 An Alternative Control Chart Approach Based on Small Number of Subgroups 2011-06-09
092 / 1 一個修正的短連串型Ⅱ連續抽樣計劃 2011-06-09
098 / 1 Reliability sampling plans for Weibull distribution with limited capacity of test facility 2011-06-09
098 / 1 Bayesian sampling plans with progressive censoring and warranty policy 2011-06-09
091 / 1 Adjusted Jackknife Estimation Method in Quasi-Likelihood Model with Outliers 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Acceptance sampling plans for birnbaum-saunders distribution under truncated life tests 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Acceptance sampling based on truncated life tests for generalized Rayleigh distribution 2011-06-09
091 / 1 Limited Failure-Censored Life Test for the Weibull Distribution 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Simulated Shewhart control chart for monitoring variance components 2011-06-09
095 / 1 On estimation control limits of? X-bar chart when the number of subgroups is smal 2011-06-09
098 / 1 Interval censored sampling plans for the gamma lifetime model 2011-06-09
098 / 1 The design of acceptance control chart for non-normal data 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Acceptance sampling procedures with intermittent inspections under progressive censoring 2011-06-09
093 / 1 An application of weighted bootstrap method in semi-parametric model 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Interval censored sampling plans for the log-logistic lifetime distribution 2011-06-09
098 / 1 The inspection of acceptance sampling for step-stress tests with an equally-spaced interval censoring scheme 2011-06-09
090 / 1 模糊加權擬似估計 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Evaluation of the mean life of LEDs under the accelerated degradation test 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Parameter estimations for the Burr type XII distribution under progressive type II censoring 2011-06-09
100 / 1 A Two-stage Genetic Alogorithm for Solving the Transportation Problem with Fuzzy Demands and Fuzzy Supplies 2012-10-23
100 / 1 The EWMA CMV Control Chart for Type I censored data 2012-10-23
100 / 1 Predicting Type II Censored Data from 2(k) Factorial Designs for the Weibull distribution 2012-10-23
100 / 1 Acceptance Sampling Plans under Progressive interval censoring with likelihood ratio 2012-10-23
100 / 1 Acceptance Sampling Plans from Truncated Life Tests Based on the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution for Percentiles 2012-10-23
101 / 1 Piecewise monitoring of nonlinear profiles using a multiple respon linear model 2013-05-15
101 / 1 Optimal maintenance time for imperfect maintenance actions on repairable product 2013-05-15
101 / 1 A design of optimum screening procedure using surrogate variable 2013-05-15
101 / 1 Double acceptance sampling plans for Burr type XII distribution percentiles under the truncated life test 2013-05-15
101 / 1 Bayesian sampling plans with three equally-spaced interval censoring data 2013-05-15
102 / 1 Exponentially weighted moving average control charts for three-level products 2014-07-16
102 / 1 Economic design of two-stage non-central chi-square charts for dependent variables 2014-07-16
102 / 1 Estimation on the lower confidence limit of the breaking strength percentiles under progressive type II censoring 2014-07-16
102 / 1 The designs of acceptance sampling for strength distributions with percentiles 2014-07-16
103 / 1 Statistical process control for monitoring a diffusion process 2015-03-13
103 / 1 Inference from lumen degradation data under Wiener diffusion process 2015-03-13
103 / 1 Estimation of δ=P(X<Y) for Burr XII distribution based on the progressively first failure-censored samples 2015-03-13
103 / 1 Control charts for monitoring Burr type-X percentiles 2015-03-13
104 / 1 Economic design of two-stage control charts with skewed and dependent measurements 2016-09-03
104 / 1 Sensitivity analysis of sample allocation and measurement frequency under a degradation test with Gamma process 2016-09-03
104 / 1 Efficient Bayesian sampling plans for exponential distributions with type-I censored samples 2016-09-03
104 / 1 Optimal decisions on the accelerated degradation test plan under the Wiener Process 2016-09-03
104 / 1 On monitoring of multiple non-linear profiles 2016-09-03
105 / 1 Reliability inference on composite dynamic systems based on Burr type-XII distribution 2017-05-18
105 / 1 Economical sampling plans with warranty based on truncated data from Burr type XII distribution 2017-05-18
105 / 1 Real-time detection of wave profile changes 2017-05-18
105 / 1 Economic design of the life Test with a warranty policy 2017-05-18
105 / 1 An integrated approach for the optimization of tolerance design and quality cost 2017-05-18
106 / 1 An innovative sampling scheme for resubmitted lots by attributes 2018-07-26
106 / 1 MEWMA control chart and process capability indices for simple linear profiles with within-profile autocorrelation 2018-07-26
106 / 1 Optimal two-variable accelerated degradation test plan for gamma degradation process 2018-07-26
106 / 1 Empirical Bayesian strategy for sampling plans with warranty under truncated censoring 2018-07-26
106 / 1 Degradation tests using geometric Brownian motion process for lumen degradation data 2018-07-26
107 / 1 Periodical preventive maintenance contract for leased equipment with random failure penalties 2019-02-20
107 / 1 Reliability inference based on the three-parameter Burr type XII distribution with type II censoring 2019-02-20
107 / 1 Adaptive control charts for skew-normal distribution 2019-02-20
107 / 1 Control charts for generalized exponential distribution percentiles 2019-02-20
107 / 1 Inference of δ = P(X < Y) for Burr XII distributions with record samples 2019-02-20
107 / 1 Statistical Modeling for Degradation Data 2019-03-16
108 / 1 Parameter estimation for the three-parameter Burr-XII distribution under accelerated life testing with type I censoring using particle swarm optimization algorithm 2020-04-15
108 / 1 Robust bootstrap control charts for percentiles based on model selection approaches 2020-04-15
108 / 1 A dynamic system for Gompertz model 2020-04-15
108 / 1 Statistical Quality Technologies: Theory and Practice 2020-04-15
108 / 1 Model selection approaches for predicting future order statistics from type II censored data 2020-04-15
108 / 1 Linear profiles monitoring in the presence of nonnormal random errors 2020-04-15
108 / 1 Robust control charts for percentiles based on location-scale family of distributions 2020-04-15
108 / 1 Inference from two-variable degradation data using genetic algorithm and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods 2020-04-15
109 / 1 Bayesian Inference of δ = P(X < Y) for Burr Type XII distribution based on progressively first failure-censored samples 2021-03-23
109 / 1 Retrospective analysis for phase I statistical process control and process capability study using revised sample entropy 2021-03-23
109 / 1 Reliability Inference for VGA Adapter from Dual Suppliers Based on Contaminated Type-I Interval-Censored Data 2021-03-23
110 / 1 Reliability inference for the multicomponent system based on progressively type II censored samples from generalized Pareto distributions 2021-12-15
110 / 1 Model selection methods for reliability assessment based on interval-censored field failure samples 2021-12-15
110 / 1 Implementation of statistical process control framework with machine learning on waveform profiles with no gold standard reference 2021-12-15
110 / 1 Accelerated life test method for the doubly truncated Burr type XII distribution 2021-12-15
110 / 1 Nonlinear profile monitoring using spline functions 2021-12-15
111 / 1 A new multivariate control chart for monitoring the quality of a process with the aid of auxiliary information 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Inference for the process performance index of products on the basis of power-normal distribution 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Acceptance sampling scheme with warranty for life testing using Bayesian inference methods 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Bayesian estimation based on sequential order statistics for heterogeneous baseline Gompertz distributions 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Robust process capability indices and statistical inference based on model selection 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Two-stage maximum likelihood estimation procedure for parallel constant-stress accelerated degradation tests. 2023-11-29
111 / 1 EM algorithm for mixture distributions model with type-I hybrid censoring scheme 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Nonparametric control chart using auxiliary information for smallest extreme value distribution 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Hierarchical Bayesian modeling and randomized response method for inferring the sensitive-nature proportion 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Parameter Estimation for Composite Dynamical Systems Based on Sequential Order Statistics from Burr Type XII Mixture Distribution 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Estimating the failure rate of the log-logistic distribution by smooth adaptive and bias-correction methods 2023-11-29
112 / 1 Bayesian Inference and Computation in Reliability and Survival Analysis 2024-01-06
112 / 1 Bias correction method for log-power-normal distribution 2024-01-06
112 / 1 Bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian inference for the process performance index using inverse Gaussian distribution 2024-01-06
112 / 1 A new process performance index for the Weibull distribution with a type-I hybrid censoring scheme 2024-01-06
112 / 1 Inferences of the multicomponent stress–strength reliability for Burr XII distributions 2024-01-06